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The next morning I was reading part of my book. The main character swept her off her feet and the love interest hugged her like his life depended on it.

I thought it was a cute moment, I enjoyed reading about something superficial, because I knew it would never happen to me.

..then my thoughts were interrupted by an obnoxious knock at my door. I got up and opened it to see Stan on the other side.

"What do you want?" I glared at him. He looked at me, "Well yesterday I figured if you're going to be my girlfriend I need to treat you're like mine so.." He pulled out flowers in a vase from around his back.

"Oh..T-thank you? ..Stan," I smiled at him confused.

"Why flowers in a vase?" I raised an eyebrow setting them down on my table.

He grinned at me for a second before snapping out of it, "You know..because I wanna be a be better for Wendy," He rubbed his hair.

My smile dropped and I cringed, "Oh.." I huffed as he walked in.

"So wanna go eat something?" Stan asked while looking around with his hands in his pockets. I looked at him confused, "I thought you liked spending breakfast alone?" I asked him.

"Well I normally to but you know," He shrugged.

I looked at him, "..Oh right," I sighed.

I got on my knees unzipping my suitcase started to grab my outfit for the day, "You're wearing that?" He asked me.

I looked at him, "What's wrong with this?" I looked at him confused. "Well it's just your my girlfriend, and that is the most you outfit ever, no offense. It's a no wonder people don't approach you," Stan snorted.

I glared at him and was about to tell him off.

But before I could he started to lift up his hoodie. Some of his shirt came up too and I got a quick glance at his v-line.

I'm so jealous of Wendy right now.

Under his hoodie he had a shirt that said 100% Hemp, I snorted at that. "What's so funny?" He looked at me. "It's just the shirt and the combination of your piercings, it's just so you," I mocked him.

He rolled his eyes and threw his hoodie at me.

"Wear it from now on," He said as I lifted it up glaring. Stan laughed a little at me before moving me over and going through my suitcase.

He grabbed out some shorts my stepmom packed.

Then he looked at me, "How come you've had these and never worn them?" He asked with a raise eyebrow. "Uh because I thought it was unprofessional?" I replied.

Stan stared at me with a blank face, "Y/n nobody here is professional, just put the shorts on," He snorted, then got up walking out.

The truth was I didn't want to walk around in short-shorts with my ass out. Wendy and Bebe may do it but I don't think I have enough ass to wear these. My stepmom put them in there to encourage me, to be more of an adult, I told her it was dumb.

It's not like I was trying to impress anyone here.

I looked at them and frowned. I was never going to get used to this.

Under The Sunset (Stan x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now