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"All right campers! Thanks for coming to our evening event, you've all been waiting for-" Stan yelled. He talked to the teens around us, making jokes, and just being loud in general.

We were all sitting on benches, a big fire in the center. I smiled at Stan with a raised eyebrow. My arms were crossed resting against my knees. Well, till I heard someone sit next to me.

I looked over to see Tricia. "My brother say's you're dating Stan now, it's been the talk around camp all day too," She said bluntly while staring at Stan. I shrugged, and she looked at me. She made a flattened frown, "I don't understand why everyone at this camp likes him so much, he's so egotistical," She grumbled.

"Okay now that we've got past the boring part of camp..feel free to direct yourself to Butters!" Stan waved. Butters waved back with a smile, he then reached down and pulled out a ton of marshmallows.

The teens around us got excited and cheered.

Does he do this every year?

"So because we won't be seeing you guys for a week we thought we would give you an example of what the end of camp will be like," Stan smirked. Some of the kids do what they usually do, which is to tackle him.

And he let them, some of the other counselors laughed at him. He laughed ruffling their hair. "Ah- Stan!" One of the young males yelled at him.

I shook my head, he really was like an older brother to most of the campers wasn't he?

Kenny sat down in front of me and threw a marshmallow in the air catching it in his mouth and eating it. Craig sat down on my left side and rolled his eyes.

I looked at him, "Ugly," His sister smirked at him, "At least I'm not crippled," He scoffed. She gasped and flipped him off between me, he did it back. I blinked between the two.

"Guys move your hands, you're making Y/n's first time here a fucking bummer," Kenny said his arm leaning on the wooden bleacher we were on. They both looked at me and moved their hands.

Kenny smirked at me and I smiled slightly. "Like the fire?" He asked, "Yeah it's nice-"

Stan came and sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me. "Wow you guys are really dating huh?" Kenny pointed out while smirking. "Yeah it's unbelievable," Craig blew some hair out his face.

Wendy walked past us just then and sent me an evil glare. She scoffed and balled her fist up. I frowned and looked away rubbing my arm.

Stan looked between us, " and Kyle where talking and we were thinking of doing that large sleep over we do each year this Sunday," Stan said while grinning. I looked at him with a confused face, "Sleep..over?"

"Oh I totally fucking forgot about that!" Kenny yelled excitedly, "So we do this really big thing every year where we make a ton of popcorn and buy snacks at the gas station around the corner, then we pick out five movies and sleep in the big cabin where the meeting room is. And then after we go home for two days and comeback...kinda like a mini vacation," Kenny described.

I looked at him fascinated, then I thought for a moment, "Oh Kyle mentioned something like that when we first met once," I pointed out. "Sounds like him," Stan said and then reached under the seat that we were sitting on.

He pulled out a guitar, I realized he had two of them. An acoustic one and a bass one. "Who wants to hear me play a song?!" He yelled and some of the teens around us started cheering. He smirked and then got up.

"Oh right-" He came back and kissed me on the cheek. Then he smiled at me, and walked off. I touched my cheek.

"He's so..." I turned to see some of the teen girls behind me swooning. I looked at them and shook my head. Stan started to play the guitar but before I could really hear him my phone started to ring.

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