Heat Wave

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I let out strained breaths and took my hat off.

My hair was sweaty and a mess, and I was on the verge of passing out. I furrowed my eyebrows biting my lip. Then I rubbed my hands through my hair and wiped some sweat off my face in the process.

Every breath had me weak as sweat dripped down my body. "Goddamnit," I whispered to myself and huffed again. My shirt was sticking to me adding to the sweaty feeling, I panted desperately.

"I know right," Kyle huffed out next to me, and Kenny who was with us groaned rubbing his hair.

Today had been the hottest day of the year and not even the fans in the cafeteria were helping. There was always a day every year but I didn't expect it to be today of all days.

We were all in here trying to cool down with the campers in our classes, but nothing was working. Middle schoolers and young teens all agreed to die in the heat. Some had water and some didn't, but no matter who you were, we were all suffering together.

The only person who I couldn't say was dying was Chef. He was in the kitchen, the only place that had air conditioning because of fires.

"Fucking hell it's hot as balls!" Craig groaned he was the only one who kept his hat on. Tolkien nodded, and for the first time since he got here, I could agree with him, "Yeah this sucks..." He said.

"Oh hamburgers I think I'm gonna pass out!" Butters whined. He was also here trying to cool down.

"...Yeah," We all said at the same time.

But before we could all die together, suddenly the doors to the cafeteria opened with a bang. We all looked to the source of the noise. It was like a blaring light as the doors opened, but once it faded we were met with Bebe and Clyde.

And they were both in bathing suits.

I raised an eyebrow and sat up, "What are you two doing?" I asked and they grinned. "Well Stan we just had this idea that we wanted to get approved by the head manager himself," Bebe said trying to tempt me.

"What?" I asked annoyed I didn't have the energy for anything right now. "What if we had a lake day?" Clyde asked and I looked at them fully.

Some of the campers who over heard perked up too.

"Absolutely not," I huffed out. "Awww come on Stan it's hot as hell and you can't spare a single day?" Bebe questioned me. I shook my head no and glared at her. "Lake days always end up in disaster-"

"Aw please Mr. Marsh!" Some of the middle schoolers begged. "Yeah it's so hot!" Another said. "Yeah why do we like- Have to suffer?" A high schooler asked tweeting on her phone. She was so lucky I was too hot to yell at her for being on it.

They all began to beg me. "A lake day would be nice.." Kyle murmured to me. I groaned really loudly and covered my face with my arm trying to hide my small smile forming.

"Alright! Alright!" They all became silent in anticipation as I opened my mouth to talk. "Let's have a lake day!" I grinned and they all began cheering.


I sat near the wall smirking, I felt great being in clothes fit for the weather. I had on my blue swimming trunks and my hands were in my pockets. There was also a whistle around my neck.

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