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I was awoken to Kyle punching my stomach.

"Ack- d...dude!" I coughed and fell out of my bed. "Now we're even for you throwing me in the cold lake yesterday," Kyle smirked while crossing his arms.

I glared at him and got up and rubbed my stomach. Once I caught my breath I let out a yawn and stretched. I looked at Kyle who was wearing a black turtleneck and a green flannel over it with his black pants and converses. He also had on his signature hat.

"Dude do you ever knock? What if I was naked?" I grumbled grabbing my clothes for the day. "You? Yeah right, we shared a dorm in college, if you were naked it would have been locked. Plus you still snore and drool," Kyle snorted.

"What no I dont-" I suddenly felt the drool on my chin. I quickly wiped it and got up with a groan. Kyle let out a small snicker and leaned on the wall.

I reached in my closet and moved clothes around for my hoodie, and when I realized it wasn't in my closet I froze. I blinked and then hit my head on the closet door. Kyle jumped and looked at me confused, "What's the problem?"

"Nothing," I grumbled, I forgot I gave my signature hoodie to Y/n. "I'll meet you down stairs," I said and Kyle nodded.

I grumbled and looked at my phone. It was 12 pm...wait 12 pm?!

I ran back over to my closet and throwing my clothes off and pulling out baggy black pants. Then I pulled out a black shirt with the words Nevermore on it. "Oh god- is this from college?" I cringed. I guess I left it here the last time I was at camp.

I looked at it and smelled it, it smelt like Wendy. I blinked and cringed setting it back in the closet.

Then I pulled out a blue sweater with another band logo on it. I threw that on and a belt with silver designs. I bolted downstairs and ran to the bathroom doing my basic hygiene. Then I brushed my hair threw my hat on and put sliver septum and eyebrow piercings in. Then my boots and some gloves.

I guess I'm matching Kyle today.

Speaking of which I opened my cabin door to see him waiting outside of it. "About time you're so late," He looked up from his phone.

"Shut up," I smirked, Kyle smiled back, then we started speed walking to our destination.


"Wait one more time, so why couldn't Kyle, and Stan help us decorate?" I asked looking down at Clyde from my latter.

He rolled his eyes, "Because Sweetheart, they had to go get the snacks everyone is eating which are way out," Clyde grinned. Kenny punched his arm, "Don't call her that, only Stan and I can call her names, go find your girlfriend," Kenny flipped him off.

I looked at him and laughed a little rolling my eyes playfully.

"Kenny I can take care of myself," I said as I put up a streamer. "I'm sure you can Cutie," He grinned and took Clyde's place holding the latter.

I heard him let out a little snicker, I blinked and looked down at him, "Are you staring at my ass!" I yelled at him.

His grin grew wider through his mask, "Maybe I am, you may be Stan's girlfriend now but that won't stop me from admiring you," Kenny said. I blinked and rolled my eyes, "Again, in your dreams," I huffed. "Oh I hope so," He joked and we stared at each other again.

Kenny and I both paused and started to laugh as I climbed down the latter.

After I got down, Kenny started to set up blankets in the living room and I went to see how everyone was doing in the kitchen. "Y/n!" Bebe hugged me and I blushed. Bebe was wearing something rather revealing today. A red crop top without straps and white shorts.

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