Mutual Ground

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After a few days things finally got better and I was able to walk decently.

I still wasn't allowed to watch the kids, so I would do other things like help around the camp.

"Y/n back again to help me clean dishes?" Chef raised an eyebrow and I grinned, "As usual," I replied.

"How's that ankle? I can only imagine falling on your ass like that," Chef asked me. "It was for a good cause, so I'm fine," I nudged him and he smiled.

It was the truth, and luckily for me my ankle was healing pretty quickly. Probably because it was only pulled and I actually stayed off of it.

I had been coming to the cafeteria more to help clean since it wouldn't put me on my ankle too much. And when I wasn't cleaning I came to Chef for advice and to gossip.

Surprisingly you could hear everything in the cafeteria. I had learned so much about people I didn't even know.

The door opened to the kitchen and we both looked over, "Hey guys," Craig waved with his usual monotone face.

"Hey Craig," We both said at the same time.

I was about to put a tray up, "You missed a spot," Craig pointed and I looked at it. I had, in fact, missed a spot. I shook my head and started to clean it again. "How are you feeling Y/n?" He asked me.

"I'm doing much better," I grinned.

Craig and me had gotten a lot closer after the incident with his sister. He often came to check on me and said he did it because he owed me.

I just told him to repay me in friendship.

"So did you hear the kids are going to be preforming a song with the guys tonight?" Chef asked Craig and I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, they do it every year, I never understood the point," Craig rolled his eyes as I turned the water off and dried my hands.

"And on top of that they want me to help set the stage," He crossed his arms and blew hair out of his face. This made me perk up, "I could help you," I smiled.

He looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed, "I can't ask that of you, plus your injuries," Craig huffed.

"You're not asking, I'm offering and my injuries aren't even that bad anymore see?" I smirked and moved my leg as Craig watched, "Besides it would be nice to get out of here for a day, not that I mind hanging with you Chef."

"No I get it, I would hate being cooped in here all day too if I was used to being outside with kids," He said as he cut up some vegetables, you could hear the loud chopping as he sliced. "Let the girl live a little."

I raised an eyebrow, "See he gets it," I looked at Craig.

He frowned, "Can you even get there from here?" He asked me. "You could carry me," I suggested and walked over poking his arm.

Normally I hated being touched but I had gotten used to people doing it a lot at camp. Mostly Kenny who would bother me with shit.

There was a loud clang sound behind us and I jumped. My hands reflectively went to my ears. I looked at Craig, "Can we get my headphones along the way? I left them in my cabin," I asked him and he nodded.


Unfortunately, I still didn't have my cabin key so when we got there I couldn't unlock my door. I sat there trying to play with it frustrated. Craig was leaning on my stair well watching.

"Butters is going to kick your ass," He joked and I glared at him.

I rubbed my hair, "I know but I didn't mean to," I sighed defeated. Craig started to grin and then it went away. "It's not funny!" I yelled at him and he looked away rolling his eyes.

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