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"Are you sure you're not coming with us Stan?" Kyle asked and then yawned.

He was holding his bag as we walked to his car. Kenny and Butters tiredly trailed behind us. Butters rubbed his eyes and almost tripped.

It was 6 in the morning and the guys were getting ready to leave. Everyone else had left way earlier and I had to wake them up to make sure they would make it home on time. After all, they were going on their 2 day break back home.

We were all so tired from watching the movie last night that when I woke them up Kenny kicked me. He gave me a good bruise on my leg and glared at me. Before apologizing and then helping me wake up everyone else.

The only person we didn't wake up was Y/n. And she's an early bird so I figured she had already left, since I hadn't seen her yet.

I walked with my hands in my pockets hunching slightly. I was still wearing my pajamas and you could see eye bags under my eyes. I looked at Kyle, "No, you know I have to stay here to clean and shit. Plus, I think we all know that I really don't wanna see my family," I replied annoyed just thinking about them.

They were a headache in itself, I hadn't called them all summer because of what they did to me. And I didn't want to see them at all, unless I was forced to.

We all stopped making it to the parking lot, Kenny and Butters walked over to Butter's truck.

Kyle walked over to his car, he unlocked it and tiredly put his bag in the passenger seat. Then he closed the door and looked at me, "Alright well, don't think of doing anything stupid like not sleeping, don't break anything, and don't drink," He said listing off things like he was my mom.

I snorted slightly, "I'm not going to," I rolled my eyes. He raised an eyebrow, "Well you might not drink since you went to..." He trailed off and I huffed, "Was forced to go..." I mumbled.

If Kyle ever found out that I'm still addicted to alcohol he would freak out.

He kept talking since he didn't hear my comment, "...But you don't sleep and you do dumb things when you're upset, and that scares me Stan," Kyle frowned pushing up his glasses, he wore them when he was tired or reading.

I rolled my eyes, "That was years ago dude, besides my sleeping habits are fine," I said.

My sleeping habits weren't fine, they were shitty as fuck, but Kyle didn't need to know that. The last thing I wanted to do was stress him out before he went to see his family.

He frowned, "Are you sure you're okay because Wendy-"

I tensed up and cut him off. Letting out a scoff, I said, "What about Wendy? I'm in a relationship dude, who needs Wendy?" I looked away with my arms crossed. "Yeah about that..I know we went over this, but you're telling me Y/n managed to make you forget about your 5 year relationship in 1 month? Your life long crush? The girl you wanted to marry?" Kyle raised an eyebrow.

I looked at him, "I told you before I'm tired of Wendy, and she's not showing me any feelings to reciprocate mine so why not move on?"

Kyle frowned his eyebrows kitting together, "I'm just worried that you might hurt your new girlfriend with your old one. And Y/n's a really cool person. Stan it kinda feels like you're using her as a rebound, you sure you're 100% over Wendy? Because if there's something we need to talk about I won't be mad," He looked at me with worry, I frowned and opened my mouth.

I paused, then looked down and rubbed my arm. How could I tell him the truth? Kyle would only look at me with disappointment.

"I'm not using Y/n for anything Kyle, she's my girlfriend not an object. I know that people have feelings dude," I rolled my eyes again. I mean I wasn't exactly lying, she agreed, and it's not like I was leading her on.

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