Mrs. Marsh

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I stared up at the sky sitting near the broken wooden fence. As I looked out to the scenery from my favorite spot. The wind blew past me as usual creating a nice summer breeze.

I was in my thoughts as I tuned my guitar and began to play a note. I hit a note I liked and played it again, then I played another and got frustrated.

"Damnit that's not right.." I muttered.

"What are you up here working on?" I heard and turned to see Kyle. I sighed trying to retune my guitar as he sat down next to me. "This fucking note..." I huffed trying to retune my guitar. "I can't seem to find one that sounds good with it," I frowned. He nodded, "Could I see?" He asked.

I moved my fingers and played the note. "Huh and what were you trying to add to it?" He asked and I played it.

Kyle winced and shook his head, "Try to move your middle finger up one and your pinky out more," He said and that's what I did.

I played the note and it sounded great, "Thanks Kyle," I said and he smirked, "Of course."

"But why a new song?" He asked. I shrugged, "It was about time I made a new one, not sure of the lyrics yet though..." I said frustrated in thought. "Just give it time man, you'll know eventually," Kyle nudged me and I smiled at him.

I began to play the two notes together again and then added another. "Oh I like that- Are you playing it on your bass guitar?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sweet," Kyle said and then his phone buzzed. "Oh that's right the reason I came up here was to tell you were kinda late for a meeting right now," He said and I looked at him annoyed. "A meeting with your mom," He finished.

I got up bolting down the hill, "Stan wait up!"


I yawned and looked at my phone. It was early morning, and my timer went off reminding me we had a meeting today.

I got up and took a shower, since it finally worked, and was now brushing my teeth. Once I was done, I walked out of my room and zipped up my suitcase.

Then I looked on my bed, I smiled slightly and put on a black skirt and a long sleeve shirt that was white. I tucked the shirt into the skirt and then threw on my black combat boots.

I looked in the mirror, the outfit was casual but nice.

I started to walk to my door, but paused and looked at my headphones grabbing them. I had almost forgotten about them, that was a first.

I quickly put them in and started playing a song on my phone.

I walked all the way to the cafeteria as usual. And as quickly as I put them on I found myself taking my headphones off. "Hey it's mine!" I heard and looked at two girls fighting over a toy.

"No it's mine!" Her sister yelled. They were twins and they were pulling it back and forth.

"Ugh would you two just stop!" Tricia who was with them yelled. Then she noticed me, "Hi Y/n," She waved and I waved back, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"These two don't wanna share the doll," Tricia rolled her eyes and fixed her crutch. I nodded and then noticed another doll on the ground, "What about this one?" I questioned. "She's not pretty enough!" One girl yelled, "Yeah! Look at her ugly hair!"

I looked at her and could agree that it definitely was a beat up doll. Her makeup was a little messed up and her hair was all over the place.

I could risk being a little take couldn't I?

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