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I groaned the sound of knocking waking me up. I opened my eyes slightly and winced when the sun hit them. I blinked and looked around my room, the sunny sky leaving a golden glow through the black curtains I had. "Fuck....what time is it?" I muttered incoherently. I grabbed my phone and checked it was 7 am and there were 2 miss calls from Wendy.

The image in my head from last night replayed and I could feel the burning in my throat as well. It made me grumble and rub my hair. Then another knock made me stop looking at my phone, I set it on the drawer next to my bed, and got up.

The sound of my bed creaking stopped whoever was knocking. Almost as if they were waiting for me to open the door, which they were.

"Get up you ass we need to clean!" I heard and realized it was Y/n. I groaned opened my bedroom door.

"Good morning Stan," Y/n grinned with her wide awake voice. "Why do you always wake me up so early?" I croaked out still being half sleep. I was barely awake and she was already chirpy as ever. She raised an eyebrow, "I've only woken you up once?"

I rolled my eyes, "Actually you wake me up every time you enter my cabin," I scoffed and walked past her. "Wait really? You're a light sleeper?" Y/n asked but I ignored her walking downstairs, "Stan?"

"Stan get back here!" She yelled following me downstairs, I let out another groan.


I pulled out the tools we needed from the shed near the entrance of the camp. I handed Y/n a broom and then some gloves. While she put the gloves on I grabbed my own. After that, I grabbed my tools in one hand, and trash bags and cleaning materials in the other slung over my shoulder.

We began walking back and Y/n cringed and looked at the broom in her hand. "I could carry some that looks kinda heavy..." She mumbled. I stopped and looked at her, "And risk you tripping, no thanks darling," I snorted and kept walking.

She gasped and nudged my side, I chuckled slightly and nudged her back. We then began walking to our destination.

"So what was your favorite thing to do as a child?" She asked curiously. I looked at her, "Um...I'd have to say playing with my old dog Sparky," I said in thought. "Awww...that's actually really cute," Y/n snorted. I scoffed, "What did you think I was some ass who bullied other kids?" I laughed.

She looked up in thought, "I don't know that doesn't seem all that far off," Y/n murmured. I chuckled, "Only sometimes," I replied and she laughed, "I knew it!"

"Oh yeah? What did you do as a kid?" I asked. She smirked, "I climbed trees," Y/n replied satisfied, "Oh I bet you were everywhere as a kid," I teased. She shook her head, "Not really I did it as more of an escape from the world. It was nice being high up, I always felt like I could finally be in control of something," Y/n said quietly.

I looked at her again, I desperately wanted to ask what she meant by that. Not in control? Not in control of what?

"My parents built me a tree house because of it," She giggled, "It's actually still in my backyard, I don't go in it as much anymore though," She frowned. "Why not?"

"Stupid metal plate in my shoulder so I could move it again after the just kinda hurts sometimes. I try not to climb high things because I get scared it'll lock up and I'll fall," Y/n muttered and fixed some of her hair.

Under The Sunset (Stan x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now