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Cheryl chose to sit in the library reading before making her way to the conference room. She knocked before entering.

She was surprised but hid it well when she saw Toni sitting in the presence of her parents. She stood and bowed to Cheryl trying to hide the smile on her lips. Cheryl found it equally difficult.

“Ah Cheryl, there you are. Good morning, I hope you slept well.” Her father addressed his daughter as he saw her enter the room.

She nodded sweetly to her father. “Good morning, Father.” Cheryl took the seat next to Toni and opposite her parents, when she was seated the Serpent girl finally took her own seat again.

“Now I know your mother has mentioned it to you before and you seemed on board with it at the time. We’ve spoken to Antoinette here and she’s agreed if you agree. Antoinette will, as of tomorrow morning, be your Lady’s Maid.” Her father nodded to the woman next to his daughter to ensure that Cheryl knew who he was referring to.

Cheryl didn’t know if her parents would expect her to know Toni by name, but didn’t provide a reaction either way. She could feel two pairs of eyes on her while the Serpent girls were planted at her hands in her lap.

“As my Lady’s Maid, what exactly are we expecting Antoinette to undertake?” She addressed her parents and resisted the urge to pull one of Toni’s hands into her own lap in support of this awkward and somewhat overwhelming situation.

The King continued. “Antoinette has made it quite clear that she still wishes to remain on hand in the kitchens, which we fully support. But mainly she will be available to help you in your daily tasks; getting ready for your day and any occasion. She will also accompany you on any trips to ensure you have all the help you’ll need. How does that sound?”

“That sounds agreeable as long as Antoinette, you’re sure you want to undertake all this work?” Cheryl wanted to make sure the Serpent wasn’t being coerced into anything.

“I have no objections to fulfilling this new position. And I thank you both for understanding that the work in the kitchen is important to me.” She addressed the King and Queen.

Clifford clapped his hands together in relief. “Well, I’m glad we have that settled. I know there will be an adjustment period for the both of you, however, I endeavour that this is a well-suited match and that you will support each other in it. Now we will take up no more of your time and we thank you for all that you’ve provided so far.” The two girls took that as their cue to leave the conference room.

Toni opened the door and held it for the Princess before following her out. The two girls rushed down the corridor trying to be inconspicuous. They ended up behind a tapestry that hid a staff hallway and staircase.

Toni couldn’t contain her smile as she turned to the redhead. “It looks like we’ll be spending even more time together your Highness.”

They were stood so close together in the tiny hallway.

Cheryl’s face fell slightly. “I wish you wouldn’t address me like that, it feels so stiff and unfamiliar.” And it was a stark reminder that they came from very different backgrounds.

The smile didn’t fall from the brunette’s lips. “I can’t really get away with calling you Cheryl in front of your parents though, can I?”

The Princess smirked and nodded. “You do have a point there.”

“Maybe we’ll just have to spend a lot more time without your parents around.”

Cheryl nodded with a smirk to match Toni’s. “Now that is a good idea.”

“Meet me in the Library an hour after dinner?” Toni whispered.

Cheryl could only nod.

Were they leaning into one another? Why did eyes keep travelling down to lips? Before either girl could think any more on the subject, the sound of a baby crying emanated from down the hallway.

“I think your brother is unhappy at something;” Toni almost whispered again as she leant away from the redhead.

“He’s probably hungry.” Cheryl muttered not knowing why she felt so disappointed.

“Then I think it’s about time I go and help prepare lunch downstairs. I’ll see you later.” It wasn’t until the brunette had vanished from sight that Cheryl realised she’d squeezed her hand goodbye.

She could almost still feel the other girl’s hand against her own.


Cheryl was wandering around the castle avoiding writing the letter that had been waiting for her on her desk for a week now. Her mother had insisted that she keep in contact with at least some of the men she’s met at her sixteenth birthday ball. She really couldn’t care less though.

She’s now concluding that that’s because she really isn’t interested in the opposite sex. That didn’t mean she was attracted to the same sex, but she knew if she thought about it hard enough she’d come to the conclusion that she was at least a little bit interested in one person of the same sex. It’s a good job she’s not thinking on it too hard; for who, she doesn’t know.

She was drawn to her sister’s reception room as a piano melody floated down the hall. It’s a good job their brother’s day room isn’t on this floor as he’d be crying up a storm again.

“You never cease to amaze me with what you can do at that piano.” She’d managed to open the door and watch her sister briefly before she’d finished her piece.

“Cheryl! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” The young blonde flew up from the piano and over to her sister before grabbing her hands and pulling her to sit down on the sofa. “I hear you have a Lady’s Maid now!”

“Yes, Mother and Father’s idea.” Cheryl smoothed out her dress where her sister had dragged her down onto the seat.

“Surely it will be nice to have someone your age to talk to? Plus it will be someone to accompany you wherever life takes you.” Elizabeth was almost gushing.

“I guess there is some comfort in that.” Cheryl admitted as she nodded and thought of the brunette in question.

Elizabeth watched her sister. “What’s the smile for?”

“There’s no smile.” Cheryl insisted as she fought to keep said smile at bay.

“It looked like a good memory came to mind when you thought about wherever life could take you.” Elizabeth pushed.

The older Princess feigned ignorance. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes as if to say ‘I’m watching you’.

It wasn’t even the thought of the future that bought a smile to Cheryl's face. It was the thought of having an excuse to spend more time with Toni.

“Got any plans for the day?” Elizabeth asked her sister seemingly to have become bored with what she’d been doing with her day.

The sister’s spent the rest of their day, before and after stopping for lunch, chatting, going for a horseback ride around the woodlands, and eating chocolate.

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