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The Princess had lost count of how many times in the last few months that her parents had set up lunches similar to this one.

It was just another day of being a Princess of Riverdale. She was thinking as much as she rounded the corner to the main reception room where she could hear voices behind the door.

”Ah Cheryl, there you are. Viscount and Viscountess Mantle of Westercourt and their son The Honourable Reginald Mantle, may I present my eldest daughter Princess Cheryl.” The King finally finished talking as everyone bowed to one another.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Cheryl had played this game long enough and knew to be polite and demure.

The Viscount and Viscountess looked to be not much older than her own parents, him having a few silver streaks in his hair, with a mottle finish to his short, well-kept, beard. The Viscountess was a fuller woman than her mother but shared the kind look with soft features.

Reginald was much taller than his father and dare Cheryl think, more handsome too. This wasn’t to say she thought him handsome, just that she could appreciate that some would say he was.

His hair was lighter than Toni’s and yet, his eyes darker. This comparison made her heart fall slightly as she thought back to all that Toni had shared with her moments prior. Cheryl had meant what she said; if she had a choice, Toni would be it, no questions asked. She’d do everything in her power to keep it that way.

Thankfully any more awkward conversation was prevented as a Serpent man stepped into the room behind Cheryl and announced that lunch was to be served shortly in the dining hall.

As was polite for the hosts, the three Riverdallians followed the Mantles out of the room as they followed the Serpent. Cheryl bought up the back of the group and returned her mother’s probing smile as they entered the dining room.

She fought to roll her eyes as she noticed the place settings around the table; the Viscount and Viscountess on one side, the King and Queen at either end, and finally herself and Reginald on one side. Reginald held out her chair for her and sent her a smile as the women took their seats first.

It wasn’t long before the parents were enjoying their food and conversation while the two young people sat in an awkward silence. Her mother kept throwing her looks as if to prompt her to engage Reginald in some kind of conversation. The Princess set her drinking glass down before finally speaking to the man next to her, “Reginald, how are you liking your visit to Riverdale?”

He looked a tad surprised at being addressed by the Princess but managed to centre himself quickly turning to her. “I’m liking my visit very well. You and you’re family have been most accommodating.”

Cheryl gave a small smile at his politeness. “I’m glad to hear it.” Now what was she supposed to say? Usually at these lunches the gentleman her parents have set her up with are all so talkative, unlike Reginald today.

He saved her from having to come up with another topic of conversation by presenting his own. “These vegetables are so fresh and expertly cooked. I give my compliments to the chef.”

It warmed her heart to hear someone talk so highly of the Serpents. “I’ll be sure to pass your compliments to the kitchen staff. All the seasonal vegetables are grown here in the castle grounds.”

He nodded as he examined a carrot on his fork. “That explains the freshness. I imagine that must be a tall order; to grow and harvest enough food.”

Cheryl could tell there was something different about this man than some of the others; he seemed to have a wider understanding of the people around him. He showed compassion and empathy. It was refreshing to see that in a lunch guest. “I imagine it to also be rewarding work as well. After all, all that is grown here is also eaten by the staff too.”

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now