Thirty three

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It was some weeks later and Cheryl found herself outside of her sister’s bedroom, her hand held up unable to knock. Toni had offered to be there with her, but Cheryl knew she had to do this on her own. She’d put off telling her sister until the very last moment, which would be their final goodbye.

The older Princess knew it was selfish and cruel to wait until now, but she couldn’t face seeing the sad look her sister would send her in the weeks or days leading up to her departure.  She took a shaky breath in and let her knuckles collide with the door in front of her. She heard the thump of her sister jumping out of bed before quick footfalls and finally the door being thrown open.

“Cheryl? Are you okay?” The blonde looked her sister up and down for any clues, though the biggest one was the look on her face that Betty couldn’t place.

“Can I talk to you?” Cheryl hated that she was about to break her sister’s heart.

“Of course.” Betty held the door open wider and the redhead stepped in.

Once the blonde had closed the door, she turned to watch her sister walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. She chose to join her. “What’s up?” She now watched the redhead carefully.

“I need to tell you something, but I don’t know where to start.” she finished looking up at her little sister guiltily.

“You ate all the chocolate.” Betty joked, trying to make her sister relax somewhat. “Cheryl, whatever it is you can tell me.”

Cheryl fought to keep her eyes level with the blondes. “Toni and I are leaving Riverdale.”

Betty furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the redhead. “To go to Westercourt tomorrow morning?”

Cheryl shook her head and dropped it to look in her lap.

“What are you talking about Cheryl?” Betty couldn’t lose her sister.

“We were never going to be happy together here, in this world. So we’re going to go away together.” the eldest Princess tried to explain simply and gestured around the room.

“Why are you only telling me now?” Nothing but hurt ran through her words.

Cheryl gave her a sad, watery smile. “I didn’t know how to.”

“But what am I going to do without you?” Betty let her own tears fall now.

“You are so strong Betty, stronger than I could ever be. You’ll be alright.” Cheryl picked up the other girls hands and squeezed them reassuringly.

The blonde wiped the tears as she asked her next question. “Where are you going to go?”

“We’re going to go to the Southside first. Toni wanted to take Anton, her brother there.”

“So he’s going with you?” Betty didn’t know if she was allowed to feel hurt that Toni’s sibling was invited to go with the pair. She had to remind herself how the Serpents were in a completely different situation to her own though.

Cheryl nodded. “That far, yes. I don’t know where we’ll go from there.” she shrugged and shook her head.

A silence stretched between the two as Betty took everything in. Cheryl had a request. “I need you to not give us away to Mother and Father. They believe what they believe, and in time they’ll figure it out. Hopefully by then we’ll be long gone.”

Betty nodded her head taking in all of her sister’s words. They were, after all, possibly the last ones she’d ever hear from her.

“I have one last favour to ask of you.” Cheryl spoke again.

The blonde couldn’t bring herself to say anything in the moment and so just nodded.

“I need you to get this in the post at the end of the week.” Cheryl pulled out the envelope she had in her dressing gown pocket.

Betty took the wax-sealed envelope and noted the name written in her sister’s handwriting. “It’s your answer to Reginald, what does it say?”

“Nothing much. Just that I can’t marry him but wish him no ill will and that he’d make someone very happy one day. He deserves someone that would love him too.” Cheryl shrugged as if to ask what more was she supposed to say.

The blonde pulled her sister’s hands into her own and looked her dead in the eye. “And you’re really doing this, you’re sure about this?”

An uncontrollable smile broke out across the redhead’s face. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Betty was looking for the next right this to say but was interrupted by a knock at the door and Toni poking her head into the room. She gave a warm smile to the younger Princess as she closed the door behind herself before looking to Cheryl. “You ready?”

The sisters stood from the bed. "As I’ll ever be.” She pulled her little sister into the biggest hug she could muster. “Look after yourself little one. Who knows one day we might see each other again.”

Betty wrapped her own arms around her sister and held on to her tight. “I love you Cheryl.” she released her and turned to the Serpent woman, “look after her.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.” Toni answered honestly as the redhead walked to her and they joined hands.

Another knock sounded at the door, Betty jumped but the other two seemed to know it would be Anton.

“Is this all you’re packing Cheryl?” He failed to see the blonde standing in the middle of the room. “Excuse me, your Highness.” He gave a sheepish bow.

“You must be Anton.” she simply stated as she took in the sight of the three of them in front of her. She couldn’t deny that they fit together well. It was only then that Betty noticed her sister was wearing boots similar to the other two, she could guess that she was dressed similarly again under her dressing gown.

“Please look after one another, and stay safe. I hope you all find the happiness you’re looking for.” No malice was woven into her words; she wanted nothing but joy and love for these people.

Cheryl stepped over to her one last time. “I love you, Betty. You are going to do extraordinary things.”

Betty pulled her sister in one final time and released her once tears started to fall down her face.

Anton picked up the small trunk he’d placed on the floor moments before while Toni held the door open for him and then waited for Cheryl.

The two sisters waited until the last moment to release each other’s hands as silent tears left tracks down their cheeks. It wasn’t long until Betty stood truly alone in her room, in the castle, in Riverdale.

Happy New Year, everyone xx

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