Twenty two

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The ball was soon upon them and it had arrived a lot sooner than the Princess wished.

She thought as much as she made her way down to the kitchens to try and find Toni after everyone had gone to bed. She found her tidying up the last few things in the kitchen alone. It seemed the Serpent had been busy preparing for the ball tomorrow.

Movement coming down the stairs made Toni freeze, but she soon relaxed when she recognised the Princess. She moved around the table to the bottom of the stairs and greeted her. “Hey, I was just going to come up and see if you needed anything before going to bed.”

Cheryl shook her head and joined the brunette fully in the kitchens now. She held out her hand for the brunette to take. “I’m not tired yet, I thought if you were free we could go for a walk?”

Toni liked the idea and so nodded and smiled at the woman in front of her. “I’ll always be free to spend time with you.”

“Great, let’s go.” The Princess didn’t give her time to say anything else before she was being dragged out of the nearest door and into the castle grounds.

Once they’d found an easy pace wandering along the path next to the castle, Toni broached the subject that she knew was playing on the Princess’ mind. “How are you feeling about tomorrow?”

“It’s yet just another thing I have to participate in under this roof.” Cheryl answered honestly feeling no pleasure in the event at all.

“You’re not even a tiny bit excited at having the excuse to dress up and dance?” Toni was bordering on sounding like a child in a toy shop with the excitement and intrigue seeping through her words.

“In truth, no.” The redhead shook her head feeling a small amount of guilt that she could experience such a lavish event and had no interest.

Toni continued, not attempting to make the Princess feel bad, but maybe to try and elicit a positive response from her instead. “I think it sounds wonderful. This is the closest I’ve ever got to a ball. Being your Lady’s Maid has given me another sliver of access with your ball gown.”

“You’ve never been tempted to sneak up and watch?” Cheryl asked in disbelief.

The Serpent nodded eagerly. “Tempted, yes, but I’ve never actually managed to sneak a look. Not even for your birthday.” She finished sombrely as she thought back to how unhappy the Princess must have been during that celebration.

“I wish you could be there so I could dance with you.” Cheryl dreamed wistfully.

Toni scoffed with a laugh. “A fat lot of good that will do, I can’t even dance!”

“I could teach you?” The Princess offered as she brought them to a stop on the patio that connected to the ballroom and turned to face her.

“And what excuse would you give your parents?” Toni knew she wasn’t being serious, but wanted to make any excuse to not embarrass herself.

The Princess pulled her in close and whispered. “We could practice right now, they’ll never have to know.”

“What if we’re seen?” The Serpent woman whispered back, acutely aware of how close the redhead was to her in a seemingly public place.

Cheryl shook her head subtly as she answered. “No one’s awake now. I waited to come and see you until everyone had made it to bed.”

“But what about music?” The brunette spoke a little louder now as the threat of being seen had diminished somewhat.

Cheryl’s eyes lit up in amusement. “How many more excuses are you going to present to me?”

Toni gave an over-exaggerated look of thought. “I think that was my last one. You know when I said I couldn’t dance, I really meant it in the most literal sense.” She almost begged the redhead to believe her.

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