Twenty three

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“Good morning beautiful.” Being whispered in her ear caused the redhead to sit up with a start from where she’d been laying peaceful in her bed.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!” Toni was stood next to her bed with a guilty look on her face.

Once Cheryl had processed what had happened, she relaxed and a smile spread across her face. “Good morning to you too TT.” She held out her hand for the brunette to take and once she had she pulled her in, making the shorter woman bend and steady herself with her hand on the bed.

Cheryl would never tire of these morning kisses, even if they didn’t wake up together, this was their time where nothing seemed to exist outside of the walls of the bedroom.

As the Serpent stepped away from the redhead with a bashful look plastered to her face, she asked. “How are you feeling about today?”

Cheryl groaned and flopped back into the bed. "Please don’t remind me!”

Toni couldn't help but release the giggle from between her lips at the Princess’ actions. Instead of pressing further, the Serpent made herself useful and finished opening the curtains all the way. She was about to move on to her next task when the redhead spoke from where she now sat on the edge of her bed.

“Betty knows about us.”

Toni seized all movements and looked to the redhead who was watching her intently. “You told her?”

Cheryl shook her head. “She saw us last night.” The redhead held out her arms to gesture for the brunette to come to her.

Toni was reluctant to do so. “And you let me come in here and kiss you?”

Cheryl could read on the brunette’s face her worry that the King and Queen now know too. The Princess knew that to overcome a lifetime of distrust and hatred for the King wouldn’t just vanish over a matter of months. The lingering feelings that Toni still felt towards Cheryl’s father were imposing on her now.

Cheryl stood and stepped over to the brunette slipping her hands into her own. “She promised not to tell Mother and Father. We’re okay.”

Toni's brain caught up with itself pretty fast once she was reminded that King Clifford was on the throne and not King Edmund.

“Does she hate me?” Toni knew that it was a silly question, but she liked Betty and hated the idea that anything she did or felt would upset her.

Cheryl beamed at the brunette. “No one could ever hate you! She reacted far better than I thought she ever would.”

Their moment was interrupted by a knock at the door and a familiar voice. “Cheryl, Antoinette?”

Toni fought to take a step back, away from the red-haired Princess. However, Cheryl held her in place and called to her sister. “Come in.”

The blonde gently poked her head into the room and a large smile formed on her face when she saw the two women together. “I’m sorry to interrupt you both, I just wanted to drop these off to you before I forget to later.” Betty closed the door softly and walked over to the pair holding out a pair of earrings. “I thought they’d go well with your dress for tonight.”

“Thank you, Betty.” The redhead smiled at her sister.

Toni felt paralyzed as the two sisters interacted in front of her.

That was until the youngest Princess spoke to her. “I take it you’re going to have the first dance tonight with my sister, Toni?”

She felt both pairs of brown eyes on her at once, her throat dried as she tried to think of a response.

Cheryl saved her by squeezing her hand and speaking. “I think we had our dance last night. Besides the next time I want to dance with TT for a ball, I’d want it to be in front of everybody and not in this room.”

Toni could have sworn that she saw tears pool in the corners of the blonde’s eyes. “I’ll make sure Cheryl doesn’t get into too much trouble tonight! I’ll see you later!”

As quickly as the words had left the blonde’s mouth she was out of the door with her sister calling after her. “What are you planning on doing!?”

Toni watched baffled as Cheryl rushed to the door after the other Princess, but with no luck.

Cheryl shut the door and turned back to the Serpent woman. “What do you reckon she meant by that?”

Toni shook her head slightly with a chuckle. “I have no idea!”

“She better not do anything stupid.” Cheryl could only imagine what her sister was thinking. She just hoped whatever it was, it wasn’t overly obvious.

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now