Twenty eight

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Because of how the Queen was acting that night, Toni didn’t want to tempt fate and stay too long with the Princess. Not long after they’d drained their mugs of hot chocolate, she took her leave and returned to her own bed.

The sunlight that was beaming through her closed eyelids was disrupted by a shadow falling over her face.

“You might want to get up sleepy head.”

“What time is it?” Toni mumbled, still being dragged down by sleep.

“About eight thirty.”

“What!?” She leapt out of bed and began to throw on her work clothes.

Anton smirked as he continued to tease his sister. “I was surprised to see you here this morning. I thought you’d stay with her last night.”

Toni didn’t indulge her brother with an answer as she rushed out of the door throwing her hair around into a braid. She all but burst into the Princess’ room but found no one in there and the bed already made. Next stop was the kitchens she decided as she took off down the back stairs.

“You’re late Antoinette.” One of the head kitchen workers noted as she all but fell down the last couple of stairs.

“I know, I’m sorry!” Toni declared as she straighten out her tunic in an effort to look mildly more presentable.

They pushed a warmed serving dish into her hands. “Here, take these up and help finish setting the table.”

As she slipped up the second stair case that led to the dining room, one of her brother’s friends spoke to her. “They’re all in there already, just to let you know.”

She huffed, annoyed at herself. Crap! How late was she?

Toni rushed up the stairs but being careful not to spill any of the eggs in the serving dish. She felt like a complete mess. She didn’t even remember fastening her shoes and she couldn’t even imagine what her hair looked like right now. She took a deep breath before silently sweeping into the dining room from behind the screen.

Two other Serpents were hovering around the table ensuring the royal family had all that they needed for their breakfast. Clifford and Penelope each took one end of the large table, while the Princesses took a side each, opposite one another. Cheryl had her back to Toni as she moved across the room with the dish. The only space left available on the table was directly in front of the redhaired Princess.

Toni took one last deeper breath before following a straight line and placing the food item down. It was rare for her to be in a room with the entire family, breakfast was usually laid out before the family arrived to eat, and if not, it wasn’t normally all of them at once.

“Thank you Antoinette.” The King addressed her as he took in the spread in front of them.

She only bowed to him before stepping away.

The two Serpent men were now helping to serve so she took it upon herself to start serving drinks for the family, moving around the table filling their glasses with juice. She could feel Cheryl’s eyes following her around the table. She wanted nothing more than to apologise for leaving her maidless this morning, but knew it would be inappropriate.

“I hope you girls both enjoyed yourselves last night.”

Toni found her head being brought up as she looked to the King. She quickly lowered her head and scolded herself for being so stupid. Why would he address her so familiarly? Plus he’d never talk to her in such a casual manner if he knew about the feelings she had for his daughter!

“Yes, thank you Father.” Both girls chorused. Betty looking to her father while Cheryl concentrated on spreading butter on her toast.

The King turned to address his youngest daughter only. “Though Elizabeth, I admire your enthusiasm last night, but I would have liked for you to have let Cheryl dance with a few more of our guests without your impatiens.”

Toni had to hand it to her, Betty was a pretty great sister if she was helping Cheryl out like that. She caught Cheryl’s eye and a small smirk settled on her lips as she tried to hide behind her glass. Unfortunately, Toni was stood next to Penelope and so she saw Cheryl’s smirk too.

The Queen lowered her knife and fork almost theatrically. “Cheryl, please tell me you didn’t make your sister interrupt your dances!?”

Cheryl kept calm and spoke evenly. “I didn’t ask Betty to do anything. Like Father said, she must have been a bit too eager.” She shrugged off her sister’s antics to her parents.

“I apologise, but it’s not often that we hold balls.” Betty finally spoke up to rationalise her actions.

“Even so, Elizabeth it wasn’t well mannered. Cheryl we did, however, notice you and Reginald disappear for a while?” It was Cheryl’s turn to be addressed by the King.

“He wanted to talk.” She couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, especially Toni’s.

Penelope’s stomach sank at how her daughter’s body language had altered. She was hiding something. Was it Reginald she saw in her daughter’s bed last night? She couldn’t remember seeing either of them after they’d wandered out onto the patio.

“What did he want to talk about?” Penelope tried to keep her voice light, to match how happy her husband’s face looked.

Cheryl took a breath. “He asked me to marry him.” She threw her eyes up to meet with Toni’s hurt ones as they slowly filled with tears before she visibly swallowed down a choke. The Serpent girl quickly finished what she was doing before bowing and rushing from the room. Betty watched on sadly while her parents didn’t pay her much attention.

“This calls for a toast!” Clifford declared raising his glass.

Cheryl turned back around from looking after Toni. “I haven’t given him my answer.”

“Why for ever not?” Clifford was puzzled.

“Because I don’t know what to say to him.” In truth, the Princess wanted to get away from this conversation and go and find the woman who she just hurt.

The King wasn’t angry, but Cheryl hadn’t heard him this annoyed before. “It’s a simple question Cheryl. I though you wanted this!” He really didn’t know his daughter.

Cheryl stood ignoring any and all protests from her parents. “If you’ll all excuse me, I need to get some air.” The Princess then walked out of the room.

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