Twenty seven

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“Good evening mother.” Cheryl greeted as she finished combing out her hair as if that’s what she’d been doing.

Penelope faltered with her mouth open as she looked around the brightened room and nodded in acknowledgement to the Serpent girl. “Good evening my darling. I er, I hope you had a pleasant evening.”

“As pleasant as one could hope.” Cheryl answered her mother in a well levelled manner, giving nothing away.

“Andrew and I just wanted to wish you sweet dreams.” The Queen walked over to her daughter and placed a kiss to the top of her head before offering the baby in her arms.

Cheryl stroked her brother’s cheek; he’d calmed considerably since entering the room. “Goodnight both of you. I shall see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight Cheryl, Antoinette.” The Queen nodded and turned and exited the room closing the door behind her.

Cheryl and Toni both released a breath once the door was closed firmly. They didn’t make a sound in the event that the Queen was still on the other side of the door. After a small while Toni moved quietly across the room with the Princess’ outfit and whispered to the other girl. “I’ll put this away and then be back. Try and stay awake, but if not, I’ll see you in the morning.”

All Cheryl could do was nod as the Serpent girl left a lingering kiss to her warm cheek.

Toni made her way straight to where the Princess’ clothes are kept and begun to check the dress for any marks or damage. It was as she looked around the hem of the gown that the Queen entered the room, this time without the young Prince. She dropped the gown and bowed, not meeting the Queen’s eyes.

Penelope seemed to have forgotten her manners and failed to greet the young woman in front of her before speaking. “When you arrived to see to Princess Cheryl was there anyone else in the room?”

Toni had now looked up at the Queen and shook her head soundly. “No your Majesty. The Princess had already changed for bed so I just started tidying away her outfit from tonight.”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Penelope pushed. She’d hope speaking to the Serpent would ease her mind, but it seemed it hadn’t fully.

“Quite sure your Majesty.” Toni insisted.

The Queen nodded. “Sorry for taking up your time. Thank you. Good night.”

“Goodnight your Majesty.” She bowed and watched the Queen retreat out of the small room.

Toni released a breath; that was too close.

It wasn’t too long before the brunette was making her way quietly back to the Princess’ room with a tray in hand. She didn’t bother to knock as she didn’t want to wake the other woman if she’d fallen asleep. Much to her relief Cheryl was still sat up in bed lost in thought until she saw the door being pushed open. The Princess hastily hopped out of bed to help the woman not to drop the tray, of what she could only hope was hot chocolate, as she manoeuvred around the door.

“You didn’t have to trouble yourself with that.” Cheryl only spoke when she’d closed the door behind them and watched the Serpent girl place the tray on her side table.

“Well if you were awake I wanted to talk and thought this would be a good distraction.” She spoke to the redhead as she climbed back into her bed.

“That sounds serious.” Cheryl pointed out as she took the mug that was offered to her.

“It’s just from what was happening earlier, I feel like there’s some things I’d like to share with you.”

The guilt grew in her stomach again. “You know you can tell me anything.”

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now