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“There you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

A voice pulled Toni away from where she was sat on the rocks looking out across the sea. The Serpent couldn’t stop thinking on what she’d said to her brother earlier. She’s fallen in love with Cheryl. She knew she felt strongly for the Princess and obviously had no other experience of romantic love, but she had to conclude that, yes, she does love her. It was at this point that the woman on her mind called over to her before climbing up next to her.

“How come you’re out here?” The redhead took in the sight of the brunette next to her, as if deciding if she was alright.

Toni knocked shoulders with the redhead as she spoke. “Someone gave me the morning off so I came out here… after speaking to my brother.” She didn’t know if she should mention speaking to Anton, but ultimately didn’t want to conceal anything from the Princess.

Cheryl gave an easy smile. She liked hearing about Antoinette Topaz and not Lady’s Maid Antoinette. “What did you speak with him about?”

“You.” Again with the honestly.

Panic crossed the Princess’ features. “What about me!?”

Toni grabbed a hold of the redhead’s hands in an attempt to ground and reassure her. “It’s fine, we can trust him.”

The Princess squeezed the brunette hands in an attempt to reel in the panic she could feel rising within her. “What did you tell him?” She asked trying to keep her voice even.

Toni ran through what she’d said to her brother, trying to find the right words. “Only that… that we’ve grown close, closer than friends.” She trailed off knowing that it wasn’t the full truth, but would hopefully be enough for the redhead.

“And he just accepted that?” Cheryl wanted to clarify.

Toni nodded. “He loves me. He told me he can’t tell me how I should be feeling and he just wants me to be careful. He won’t tell anyone, I promise you that.” She knew she spoke the truth, she knew her brother. To betray Cheryl would be to betray his own sister, and with his opinion of the King, he believed that would risk her life.

Cheryl breathed and nodded as she accepted the Serpent's words. Toni released the hands of the Princess but laid a hand on the inside of her dress-covered knee instead. Cheryl enjoyed this closeness as she rested her head on the slightly shorter girl’s shoulder.

“What’s in the napkin?” Toni asked feeling there’d been enough time to settle their last discussion before asking the question she’d been thinking since she’d clasped the Princess’ hand where the napkin had been.

Cheryl lifted her head from her shoulder and looked down to the item in her hand. She gently unwrapped what was inside and held it out to the other woman. “We didn’t get to try the bread and I noticed you put it out for breakfast.”

Toni tried to calm the smile on her face. “Why do you think I put it out?” As soon as her eyes connected with the redhead’s the smile couldn’t be stopped.

“Because I know you.” Cheryl leant in and left a tender kiss to the brunette’s lips. “Bread?” She held up the two slices again.

“It would be rude not to.” Toni took one of the slices finally removing her hand from the Princess’ knee.

They ‘clinked’ their slices together, laughing to one another, and each took a bite.

Toni spoke first, her mouth still slightly full of bread. “It’s pretty good!”

The Princess swallowed her mouthful before letting out another laugh. “Did you really doubt my capabilities?”

“With me as your teacher, yes!” The Serpent was almost doubled over laughing at her own remark before taking another bite.

“And you say I have the self-confidence issues.” Cheryl reminded as she watched the brunette in her amusements with a smile.

Toni sobered and marvelled at the woman next to her.

“What?” Cheryl asked wiping at invisible crumbs on her face.

“You really don’t see how amazing you are.” She was leaning on her hand that rested on her own knee.

Cheryl brushed a free strand of hair behind the brunette’s ear. “I’d say the same thing about you.”

“Well, then shall we both agree that we’re both amazing?” Toni moved over to the redhead in request of a kiss.

The Princess appeased her seamlessly like they’d been doing this for years and would continue to do so.

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now