Thirty nine

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Cheryl had always thought that having her parents know about her feelings for Toni would be completely freeing. She guessed that that would have been the case had the couple stayed in Riverdale, but being this far south from the kingdom meant that her parents could, in theory, ignore what was happening.

She wonderd if it’s her mind playing cruel tricks on her, throwing out these ideas. She suspects it’s because of the home sickness she’s been experiencing, which she thinks is utterly ridiculous. She chose to leave because she was chasing her and Toni’s happiness and they found it; so why would she feel a loss for somewhere she willingly fled.

Toni reassured her that they were normal thoughts to be having as they laid together one sunny afternoon in one of the more secluded clearings in the woods, “even I’m finding myself missing some things back in Riverdale.” She’d confessed with her head in Toni’s lap.

“Like what?” Cheryl asked as she ran her fingers through the brunette’s, for once, loose hair.

“Like how we were only accountable to each other and ourselves, but here it feels like there’s more pressure to keep the community in a happy balance. I find that I have to think of everyone and not just about us.” Toni admitted up to the clear sky revelling in the feel of Cheryl’s fingers in her hair.

Cheryl nodded thoughtfully, “I can see what you mean.”

Toni sat up to look the redhead in the eye as she spoke, “Cher, it didn’t matter where we ended up, we’ll always have these feelings about Riverdale. It’s human nature to miss familiarity, in time it should fade away as being here becomes our new normal. There’s going to be an adjustment period; it’s just going to take time for those thoughts to become so quiet that you can’t hear them anymore.”

Cheryl mulled the words around in her head for a few moments before speaking to the brunette who was watching her, “maybe we should then concentrate on each other as our normal; that hasn’t changed. Everything else around us will then eventually just slot into place.”

“I think that is exactly what we should do.” Toni leant in to Cheryl to leave a chaste kiss to her lips, “we came here for each other and that is all that matters now.”


Cheryl’s concentration was so consumed by the strap of leather ,with its buttons and buckles, in her hands that she failed to notice that anyone was stood next to her until they spoke.

“Hey, that looks pretty good.”

The redhaired woman looked up from where she was sat, “thank you, but I’m not so sure.” She chuckled freely to herself as she took in the wonky, uneven stitching and loose buttons.

Anton crouched down next to her and pulled the belt from her hands. He let his fingers get to work adjusting the buckle she’d placed. He offered it back to her with a smile.

She took the item with her own smile, “how are you so good at all this?”

“I guess that buckle was easy because it’s like the ones on the saddles at the stables.” He didn’t need to fill her in on where these stables were.

 “I’m sorry if you didn’t want to stay here; if you wanted to explore further.” Cheryl stumbled over her words trying to find the right thing to say to him.

He stopped her with a bemused smile, not unlike his sister’s, “Cheryl, I have never felt more at home here. This is where I belong, where we belong. I thank my luck every day that passes that you and T found one another and led us here.”

“I’m glad you’re happy here.”

“Are you not?” He quirked an eyebrow and watched the woman.

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now