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Toni had finished setting up the dining hall for the family’s breakfast and seemed to have some of the morning free to do as she wished. She chose to make her way out to the castle stables in hopes of finding her brother. It didn’t take long to hear him having a conversation with one of the horses.

“You do realise how ridiculous you sound when you do that?” Toni teased as she leant against a post watching her brother brush a dark stallion.

His head snapped up to her, but he relaxed when he realised it was just his sister. “Well we can’t all work alongside talking beings. How’s being a Lady’s Maid treating you?”

It was only now that she realised they’d had little time to actually talk to one another in the last handful of months. “It has its perks.” Toni shrugged.

The young man scoffed. “I’ll bet. But isn’t it awkward, them being who they are and you being you?” He pointed a finger at her after gesturing to the castle behind them.

“You’d think so, but they’re actually not what you think they’d be like.” Toni pushed herself off of the post as she stressed her words to her unbelieving brother.

“Wow, they’ve brainwashed you.” He smirked and ruffled her hair as he walked over to grab a rake.

“Have not!” Toni declared as she shoved his arm away with her own smirk.

“I don’t know, you’ve been acting differently lately. Happy almost.” He turned to look over his shoulder at her as he moved the hay around.

“Well, I think I’ve fallen in love.” Wait, what? When had she decided that?

Anton’s eyes bulged out of his head as he spun fully to face her. “You can’t, look at what happened to Mum and Dad!” He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her too.

Knowing what Toni knew about the current King, she knew there was no threat of those events happening again. But she also knew that what was happening with her were not the same events as before. “It’s worse than that.” Toni was looking to the floor as she brushed the hay around with the toe of her shoe.

“How it is worse than that?” He’d stopped his movement altogether now and watched his sister’s features trying to decipher what she was telling him.

Toni released a huff. “She…”

“She!? Holy hell Toni!” Anton cut his sister off and threw his free arm, not holding the rake, up in exasperation.

She now wore an almost guilty smirk as she looked back up to him. “It gets worse.” She admitted.

Anton took some steps to lean the rake on the wall before turning back to his sister and asking, “Do I want to know?”

Toni watched her brother’s movements before stepping closer to him before confessing. “It’s Princess Cheryl.”

“Does she know?” Came spluttering out of his mouth.

She couldn’t help but chuckle and answer. “I hope so, otherwise I don’t know who she thinks she’s been kissing.”

“Is this before or after you became her maid?” Anton’s mind was working double time to try to work through what he was being told.                                                                                                                 
Toni felt a blush rise to her cheeks. “Kind of both. We were spending time together and had kissed once before and then after I took the role, we sort of got closer.”

Realisation struck him. “This is why you haven’t been sleeping in your bed? I thought you were busy working not shagging a member of the royal family!”

Toni whacked her brother across the chest. “Keep your voice down! And we’re not… doing that. But yes, I sometimes spend the night with her.”

“How on God’s green earth do you get away with that?” He was truly baffled now.

“It’s been a struggle, let me tell you. But we can’t help it, it’s like a force pushing us together”. She began to think back on the handful of times she’s had to throw herself out of the Princess’ bed and crawl under it to avoid detection.

“Just don’t get hurt, Toni. I love you too much to see this end badly.” He’d taken her by the shoulders as he'd spoken.

Toni watched her brother almost confused. “You’re not telling me to stop?”

“I can’t tell you not to feel how you feel. I think you’re being foolish, both of you are, but that’s your business. Just know that I’m here if you ever need anything.” He still hadn’t let go, squeezing her reassuringly.

Toni threw her arms around him. “You are the best brother a girl could ask for!”

“I know.” He replied wincing as she hugged him tight.

𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 | ChoniWhere stories live. Discover now