Chapter 1

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The media is of Kyto.


I walked along the corridor toward the King's chambers, my hand resting on the hilt of my sword and my eyes looking all around the courtyard, missing nothing.

Although an unfortunate couple wishes I didn't. I sighed and stopped a few feet away from their hiding place in the bushes.

"If you would kindly put your clothes back on and exit the flower bush, you still have chores to be doing." I heard the shuffling of them putting their clothes back on and a few deep grumbles from the male.

I frowned and glared at the man as he exited. It was none other then Rin, my cousin and one of my fellow four generals.

"Rin. How many times to do I have to tell you? Take your lovers to your chambers not the courtyard!" I let the servant girl return to her duties in the kitchens as I scolded Rin.

"But if I take them to my chambers, Asoka might find out..." He complained, he widened his eyes and began pouting, trying and failing to do a puppy look.

I narrowed my eyes at him in anger.

"Maybe your wife should find out." He looked at me in horror as I began to draw my blade. I slid the sword back in and sighed.

"I have more important business than standing here fighting with you to attend to. Return to Asoka, she has been looking for you." I turned away from him as he scrambled away from me and continued to the King's chambers.

Once there I gently knocked on the door and waited for one his servants to open the door. The blonde haired man was slow this time and opened the doors a few minutes after I had knocked.

"Hello, Ryo."

"Hello, Kyto. "


"May I enter?"

I tapped my foot impatiently and crossed my arms reluctantly. I didn't like to let go of my sword.

He pursed his lips and moved aside although it visibly pained him. Sexist, I thought to myself as I brushed by him.

The king stood by himself before a large window, white hairs were now visible in once vibrant gold hair and his brown eyes were tired and worn.

It was obvious that he had seen better days.

He turned and smiled at me as I approached him.

"It has been a long time hasn't it, Ryo?" He opened his arms wide as if expecting a hug. I stood where I was, my hand returning to its sword.

"Too long, Your Majesty." He frowned momentarily but it was quickly replaced with a crooked grin.

"Don't call me that, Ryo. Call me Tashimora." I shook my head at his request.

"I'm sorry, sire. But I cannot head that request." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I assume you want to know why I summoned you here?" He turned away as he spoke, returning his gaze back to the window and whatever lay outside.

"You are to become my daughter's bodyguard."

I stood silently as he spoke and met his gaze evenly when he turned around.

"You are to protect her with your life and to never leave her side. Do you hear me, General Ryo?" I nodded and knelt on one knee.

"I pledge my life to that of the princess. She may use me as she will, a friend or lover, but at most a protector." The king nodded at my pledge and turned to Kyto.

"Summon Yuka here. I would like to speak with her."

I watched Kyto leave and turned back to the king, his eyes glued to the window. I walked up to him and stood beside him, to gaze at what he was watching.

I stifled a small gasp at the scene before me.

A beautiful young woman was down in the courtyard playing with the children.

Her smile was like the sun and her hair glowed a golden red in the sunlight. Her eyes sparkled green and I saw her mouth open in what must have been a laugh as beautiful as she was.

I saw Kyto run over to her and her face was mask for a moment, it was obvious for me to see through masks since I too wore one.

She looked up at me after Kyto had disappeared and my eyes widened.

I shook my head and stepped away from the king.

No, I mustn't think of her that way. I am General Ryo. I have no heart to give but the heart I have already given to my people.

I stepped away and waited silently for the Princess to arrive.

Then I thought better if the idea and went to retrieve her myself.

Might as well start my new duties soon than latter.

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