Chapter 39

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After putting Toby in the back of the room, Yuka took the sword from me, accepting my challenge.

She turned, placing her left foot slightly in front of her as she readied her sword before her.

I did the same, brandishing my own sword and aiming it for her.

She narrowed her eyes and before I could comprehend what she was doing, she lunged at me, swinging the sword down upon my head.

I quickly brought my sword up, blocking her attack just barely.

She jumped away out of my range in order to avoid my counter attack. I ran toward her and aimed her legs, swinging low.

She jumped and threw her body weight on me, pushing me down and knocking my sword away from me.

She landed on me, the blade of her sword pressed gently against my neck.

I chuckled. "You've improved greatly, love."

She flushed and went to get off me but I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to me.

I flipped her over so that I was laying on top of her and slammed my lips onto hers, crushing her beneath me.

She gave a muffled cry of surprise but didn't push me away or hit me.

I finally released her a few moments later, the electricity still buzzing in my lips and leaving us breathless.

"Mama?" Came Toby's voice drifting across the room.

This time Yuka did push me off her so she could go to him.

I watched her ruffle his red curls and talk softly to him in the back of the room. The warmth in her eyes and the affectionate touch of her fingers.

I guess it was a good thing that I brought him here.

...That I brought both of them here.

I smiled softly as I watched them together.

And I could lose all of this.

My smile fell at that thought and I summoned a guard inside to spar with me again.

I need my skills at their very best.


As Ryo began to spar again, I took Toby's hand and led him away to the kitchens.

A young woman a couple years older than I greeted us.

"Hello there, your Highness. I am Aliqua, the new cook." She said, coming out from behind a counter.

Her brown hair was tied up in tight bun on her head and large gray eyes were glancing between the two of us.

"Please, call me Yuka. This is Toby. We were hoping you might have something for us to have as a snack." I said to her.

Her lips pursed. She obviously didn't approve of her not addressing me properly but I guess she would just have to deal.

She nodded and turned around to begin clanging pans around as she began to make something.

It wasn't long before the mouthwatering aroma of muffins began to waft over to the two of us.

Toby and I shared a knowing look as Aliqua made her way over to us a basket full of them.

I took them from her before thanking her and heading to our chambers.

When we arrived we plopped down on the bed and began to enjoy our muffins, but my mind was still clouded with grief and worry.


Tears began to well up but I forced them away.

I must be strong. For Ryo and Toby. And my unborn child.

At that moment I felt an odd sensation in my stomach. I put my hand against my stomach and was surprised to feel it again.

I laughed in surprise and tears of joy began to fall down my cheeks.

The door opened to reveal an exhausted Ryo but her expression immediately turned to worry and rage as she noticed the tears staining my cheeks.

"Yuka? Yuka, are you alright?" She asked hurriedly as she joined my side.

In his curiosity and worry, Toby also joined my side.

I grabbed Ryo's hand and placed it beside my own and was gladdened to feel it again.

"It's kicking! Ryo, it's kicking!"

Her expression changed into a look of amazement and joy.

She kissed me and began to show Toby to put his hand on my stomach, telling him of his sibling that was coming.

My brow furrowed as I began to feel something again.

"Yuka?" Asked Ryo.

"Ryo, will you please go get the healer?" I asked her.

Her brow furrowed as well and she left quickly to do as I asked.

Toby gave me a look of worry and confusion as I placed my hand on his head.

"It's alright, Toby. It's just that...I think you may be having two siblings...not one." At that I turned to give him a large smile which he returned with one of his own.

But I still couldn't push the heavy cloud out of my mind.

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