Chapter 26

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I laid on the ground in heap.

I was in pain and bleeding but I was too weak to do anything. The man had left me to die here.

There was a burning and uncomfortable pain down in abdomen and my thighs ached.

My dress was torn to shreds and my cloak lay always from me. Too far for me to reach without crawling.

I'm going to die here, aren't I?


I looked around at the sound of Dreyar's voice but he was no where to be seen.

"Dr-Dreyar..." I croaked.

"Yuka!" This time it was louder.

"Dreyar!" I cried out, it hurt my throat and lungs but there was no way I was going to let myself die here without seeing Ryo one last time.

"Yuka!" This time I saw Dreyar come running at me from the opening of the alley.

"Yuka..." He lifted me into his arms gingerly and I whimpered.

"I'm sorry, Yuka." He muttered as he started running back to the castle with me in me tow.

I remember seeing the castle and running through the hallways, and then nothing.


I woke up again and immediately groaned. Most of the pain was gone, but I knew that as soon as I moved it would hurt again.

"Yuka?" I looked over at the sound of the voice and saw Dreyar sitting in a chair beside my bed.

"Hey." I croaked. I inwardly cringed at the sound of my voice. I sounded like a dying frog.

"Are you alright? Are you in pain? do you need me to get you something? I can-" Dreyar started rambling on worriedly but I cut him off.

"I'm fine, Dreyar. All I need now is company and Ryo." I gave him a weak smile and closer my eyes.

I didn't mean to fall asleep.

It just happened.

I awoke again to the sound of snoring and loud purrs. Dreyar was sleeping in the chair next to me and my father sat in a chair at the end if my bed, petting Sandy.

"Hey, father." I muttered, embarrassed at him seeing me in this state.

"I don't want to yell at you, Yuka. So for now, we should both keep quiet." His words made my heart cringe but I understood why and nodded.

I looked over out the window and looked at the large full moon that sat in the sky.

"I miss Mother..." I said quietly. I noticed my father freeze momentarily in his chair.

"I don't remember much of her. But I wish she was here. I only remember the sound of her laughter, and the soothing touch of her hand, and her caring smile..." I turned to my father. "Do you think I make her proud?"

Tears filled his eyes as he looked at me. "Everyday, my child. She would be so proud of how you grew up. You became such a strong young woman, with a kind heart and wise mind. You remind me of her. Your smile and your eyes are hers, and your personality is a lot like hers." He turned to look at the moon.

"I miss her too." He said quietly.

He then stood and gave me a nod and quick smile before leaving. Sandy meowed angrily as she was pushed off his lap before crawling into mine. .

I pet her as I stared out at the moon. My mind was everywhere. Thinking about what happened and where Ryo was.

I then woke up to the sound of something hitting my door and realized Dreyar was gone.

I began to panic. Please no. Please don't let it be him.

I yelped when the door flew open to reveal Ryo.

She looked like death.

There were dark bags under her eyes, her clothes were wrinkles and dirty, her hair was matted and unbrushed, and her hands were balled into fists, one covered in blood.

"I leave you alone for a week and you manage to get yourself raped and almost killed?" She growled angrily.

"Ryo..." I whimpered. Her eyes softened as her fists unclenched. Se ran a hand through her hair.

I saw Dreyar stand up behind her, cradling his bleeding nose. I then realized that the blood on her fist was his.

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"Ryo." She looked over at me and realized I was holding my arms out to her.

She didn't hesitate to run across the room and gather me up in her arms. She buried her face in my hair and I squeezed her tighter.

I think she missed me as much as I missed her.

Maybe even more.

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