Chapter 2

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I smiled and laughed at the children as they chased butterflies and picked gorgeous little flowers for me from the large flower bushes.

I loved the children. They understood me more than the adults.

"Princess Yuka." I straightened up from where I had been crouching among the children.

I turned and greeted Kyto. He huffed and told me that my father wished to see me in his chambers.

Haughty bastard sexist, I thought. He could've at least told me what for...

I quickly said goodbye to the children and looked up to see my father standing in the window watching me and someone beside him.

Before I could get a good look the figure left and I sighed disappointedly. I walked quickly through the courtyard and almost screamed when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a bush.

"Hush, Princess. It is only me." Rin said softly as I struggled against him.

"That is exactly the problem!" I hissed, wanting to escape him but not wanting to be caught with him.

I struggled violently for a few moments before a voice sounded from outside of the bushes.

"Let her go, Rin. Now." I jumped as a voice ordered. I felt Rin freeze against me.

Well he recognizes the voice.

He released me reluctantly and crawled out of the bush. I followed behind him and grabbed the hand that was offered to me.

I looked up to see who had helped me and gasped. It was no man or boy, which I had thought. But a young woman.

Her black hair was cut short and her blue eyes looked coldly down at me. Her red uniform showed her position as a General and her hand rested on her sword.

"I'm sorry about the behavior of my cousin, Princess. Forgive me for allowing him so close to you." She knelt before me, her head hung low.

"P-please stand! It is not your fault!" I hastily pulled the woman to her feet.

She looked at me, the coldness gone from her gaze replaced by sadness and regret, but it was gone in a second.

"Rin." The woman spoke without even looking at him since she was still looking at me but he still jumped and cowered as if she were about to strike him.

"Did I not tell you to go see your wife?" She turned to look at him then. If looks could kill, his head would have been blown off.

He scrambled away, hopefully to his wife as the woman went to draw her sword and stepped after him, but she stopped and turned to me.

"Come, Princess. As Kyto has told you, the King wishes to speak with you." She turned and led me to my fathers chambers. The whole time as we walked there I was staring at her, mesmerized.

Her body build was tall and lean but she still had some muscle on her legs and arms. Her shoulders were small and delicate like mine, but they looked stronger on her.

"We're here." I jumped as she suddenly spoke and blushed as I pushed the bad thoughts out of my head.

Bad, Yuka! Bad! I scolded myself. I dusted off the dirt from my dress then I straightened my back, raised my head and neatly folded my hands.

I nodded to the woman to open the door once I was prepared. She turned and pushed open the doors, entering the room before me which was against protocol.

I narrowed my eyes but said nothing. A soldier should never enter before its higher up. Not even a General should do so.

"Your Majesty, I have brought Princess Yuka." The woman knelt before my father respectively.

So she respects my father but not me? I thought about the way she treated me and then the way she treated my father. It made mad.

"Father, if you do not mind my asking, but why am I here? And why is she here?" I stole a glance at the woman who was facing the king and ignoring me.

"You are here to meet your new bodyguard." My father smiled happily and my fists clenched.

"I don't need a bodyguard. I can protect myself." I growled.

"But you can't protect yourself from the weak playboy, Rin?" I glared at the woman but she stopped when my father raised his hand to silence her.

"Yuka, meet Ryo Soka, the second general of this kingdom. The only reason she isn't the first is that I'm afraid she is far too young since she is only eighteen, your age, Yuka. But from now on, she is to be your bodyguard."

Ryo turned to me and bowed. "I have already pledged myself, I feel no need to do so again." I pursed my lips and nodded to her, accepting her new station reluctantly.

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