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Because I realized way too late that school in Asian countries starts in the spring and not the autumn, one school year dragged into one-and-a-half. It was not a mistake I could rectify even after realizing it, so I kindly request that you do not question the timeline in this respect.

Trigger Warning: Dark content involved. 


June-July 2034:

First chapter begins with Selene being raped. Really sets the mood for the story. U.A. recommendations exam is about to take place. Selene is an orphaned, disabled girl with juvenile arthritis, forced to work as a prostitute under orders by her adoptive father, Hanada Asahi, whom she refers to as Hanada-sama. She must enroll into U.A. to suck up to the Pro-Heroes for Asahi's venture into the hero side of business. 

Shouto has an argument with his father. Shouto wants to join U.A. for his own sake, not because Endeavor wants him to. 

Selene reminisces over her past. She has a powerful quirk called absorption. She can duplicate other people's abilities and absorb them permanently. This power does not come without consequences. She has no control over the abilities she absorbs. For every quirk she absorbs, a wound opens up on her body; for every absorbed quirk she uses, an arthritic flare follows. 

Shouto has a lucid dream. In it, he spots Selene and tries to talk to her. She runs away because she had unintentionally used one of her absorbed abilities. 

Next day is the entrance exam. Both protagonists meet face-to-face. They recognize each other from the shared dream, but neither one mentions it. She faints after one part of the exam, and Shouto carries her to the infirmary. He feels bandages around her arms and wonders if she is in pain like him. His curiosity only increases.

Because of the fainting incident, Selene returns home late. As a ridiculous punishment, she is raped once more. This time, her rapists etch insults into her skin. 

September 2034:

First day of school. Shouto and Selene are in the same class. They banter and slowly develop a friendship. Selene absorbs One for All. She is in visible pain. Shouto notices. Selene cannot tell anyone because she has lied that her quirk is elements, not absorption.

There is a party that night. Selene is forced to sleep with a Pro-Hero before she can attend. Meanwhile, Shouto decides on an outfit and contemplates if he should give her something since she gave him a daffodil to mark their budding friendship. Both of them arrive. 

They're matching! Woohoo! What a coincidence. 

They have a fun time until Shouto gets solid confirmation that Selene was the girl he dreamt of. He excuses himself, and Selene runs into the forest after her agoraphobia is triggered. She finds a picturesque gazebo. Postcard-worthy. It becomes her little secret spot.

During class, Shouto learns that she has panic attacks and that they are more similar than he had realized. 

All Might arrives. Here is the trials-of-battle arc. Selene and Shouto have opposite reactions to Bakugou's and Midoriya's battle. Shouto's battle is left unchanged, but Selene challenges All Might. After the battle, she realizes that she has not absorbed All Might's quirk, meaning that someone shares the same power as him.

Shouto develops a passion for drawing Selene. At the same time, Selene continues being assaulted and abused. One night after a brutal rape, she is kidnapped by the League of Villains.

Plot twist!

The League does not abduct her to kill her but to make an offer. They want her to be their spy. Selene sees an opportunity and accepts their offer under the condition that they help her assassinate the men who raped her. Selene becomes a murderer that very night. 

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