CCXXVI Selene: Deus

6 0 4

Trigger Warning: 

- major character deaths

- death

- blood

- gore

- torture

- burns

- poison

- blades

- graphic depictions of injuries

- detailed CPR


This day just keeps getting better and better.

Take that statement literally or sarcastically.

For I have no clue myself.

First, there were all the stupid ironies today. I thought that would have been the extent of fate making a mockery of me. But no. Fate is that one unwanted auntie you hate with every fiber of your being because she always comes back with new taunts, more irritating than the last. Shigaraki called me his little sister. That was all right. Acceptable. Then Twice died. Unacceptable. My identity risked being unveiled in a separate dimension. Unacceptable. One for All split between Shigaraki and Midoriya-san. Unacceptable.

My sweet but suicidal Shouto attacked me repeatedly. And I promised myself not to fight him back.

Now this.

This new revelation wins first prize.

Dabi is Shouto's older brother.

As much as I want to deny it, the evidence is undeniable. Looking back now, the pieces were all there to fit the puzzle. Dabi's resentment of Shouto and Endeavor-san. Blue flames and orange flames. The identical eye color. White hair. A memory flashes in my head. From when I first met Dabi. He gave us an alias, and when Shigaraki pressed for the real name, he said he would reveal it in due time. I take it that due time is now. Must give low-quality Frankenstein the credit for an excellent sense of timing.

"Smug bastard," Shigaraki mumbles beside me. I glance at him from the corner of my eye. His arm is slung around my shoulders. With the other, he decays two syringes. I recall bolts of agony shooting up my spine as feathers fell and limbs pierced from Shouto's ice attack. Everything was black afterward. Now I wake up to this exclusive bit of information. I cannot discern which was more interesting: All for One's murky background or Dabi's ravings of a lunatic.

At least, Shigaraki is looking healthier. The wounds inflicted on him earlier have completely disappeared. He looks as fresh as a patient with severe wrinkled skin and dryness can be. "You've seen better days," I remark, arching my own back reflexively from the stinging sensation of being burnt from behind. Goodness, Shouto, you got me good. The flesh grows itself back, not without making me hiss between my teeth.

His gaze shifts, turning to me. There is nothing but condescension swimming in those red eyes. He raises both eyebrows. "So have you, idiot."

I shove his collar. His body may have regenerated, but that harsh grunt sends a thrill down mine. "Idiot?! That's what you have to say after I go through utter hell for you! Thrice!"

"Shut up! I repaid the favor by keeping you alive just now, didn't I?"

I push him again. Harder this time. "Oh, thank you so much for doing the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM!"

"Both of you shut up!" pipes in a third voice. Like puppets, we whip toward the source simultaneously. Spinner. He is leaning over a block on Gigantomachia's back, extending both hands toward us. "Give Machia an order!" he hisses.

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