CCVII Shouto: Dogs

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Trigger Warning:

- discussion of rape

- discussion of mental health

- mention of suicide

- crude language


By the time crucial matters are sorted, curfew time has long since passed.

Bakugou returned to his room to settle in for the night.

I was supposed to go, too, but I'm not ready.

Tsukauchi-san inspected both crime scenes. After taking pictures and closing off the area, he promised to return the cane, pendant, and phone after scanning it for fingerprints. However, he demanded that Selene's other articles - namely, her clothes and belt - be handed to police custody. Aizawa-sensei reconvened with the other teachers and the principal, discussing future courses of action. There was no way they could take matters lightly now that a student was found half-dead. Recovery Girl worked on Selene's treatment. She said that despite her quirk and colleagues' finesse, the operation would take a long time. Selene would likely wake up tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I contacted an ally of mine: Sasaki-san. For now, I delayed giving my statement to the police. I convinced Bakugou to hold off as well. But when Selene wakes up, she and I will have to provide our testimonies. We will need Sasaki-san's help for that. He knows how to navigate the situation better than either of us.

He's inside the infirmary, talking with Tsukauchi-san. When he comes outside, he finds me sitting on a bench in the waiting area.

"Good evening, Shouto-kun," he greets. I mumble a quick hello in return. "Would you like to go to an animal shelter with me?"

The request catches me off guard. Under these circumstances and under these settings, you want to invite me to an animal shelter with you? I almost voice the incredulous remark when I manage to hold my tongue back at the last moment. The first time, he set up a meeting at a cat café. After that, we had a video call in a fancy restaurant. I should know better at this point. Sasaki-san likes to have serious discussions in the most juxtaposing places.

"Sensei won't allow me. Technically, I'm supposed to be back at the dorms with Bakugou," I murmur.

Sasaki-san winks and smiles. "No one will know if no one sees us. And I promise I'll bring you back to campus before he notices."

I raise an eyebrow and get up from my seat. I'm curious as to how he intends on achieving that. But then my high hopes plummet to the ground. It's way past eight p.m. Hardly anyone is inside the building at this time. So who the hell is going to stop us from strolling right up to the main gate and opening it?

A car is waiting outside. A suave metallic grey Lexus sedan. People say that cars say a lot about a person's personality. I'm not sure how much truth there is to that statement, but this model definitely shouts Sasaki Reo-san. Analytical. Sensible. Reliable. Also senior citizen and patriotic to Japan. He tells me to hop into the passenger seat while he drives. The interior is awesome, too. When I buy a car of my own, this one will definitely be on the list of options.

On the ride, I ask him, "So why the animal shelter? Any special occasion or just because?"

"Actually, there is a motive," Sasaki-san chuckles. "A selfish reason and a benevolent one." He glances at me with side eyes, and I cannot resist the urge to let out a small laugh of my own. It's become an inside joke between us now: having noble and egotistical motivations for performing any action.

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