CCXIII Shouto: Backpfeifengesicht

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Trigger Warning:

- drugging

- rape attempt

- blood

- mutilation

- crude language

- murder attempt

- hypothermia

All my other chapter titles are easy-to-remember words. Then there's this one. I mean, I try making the title a word that repeats itself within the chapter or the overlying theme. This one, though ... If anything, you'll learn the obscure name for a particular emotion. I love the German language.


What's the word to describe someone whose face incites so much aggression, it is practically an invitation for you to punch them?

Infectiously irritating?

No, that's a phrase, not a word.

How about your-face-should-be-on-the-list-of-diseases-that-have-no-cure?

Wait, that's even longer than the first one.

Oh, I got it!


A uniquely German word with no translation that quite literally means, "a face desperately begging for a solid slap." What an apt word for my emotions right now! Don't ask me for the pronunciation, or where I learned such a word. When you're immensely bored with too much time on your hands, and you think scouring the Internet for random stuff is a good method to waste the hours ... you learn stuff. I love the word, and that's all that matters.

Anyway, looking at Hanada-shi's sneer and smelling his booze breath triggers my sense of backpfeifengesicht. Then again, technically I would be making physical contact with his skin, and no amount of #1 doctor-recommended antibacterial soap is going to get his germs off me.

Besides, there are more important problems right now.

"Hanada-chan," I begin, careful to hide the ire from my voice, "She's not feeling well. I think she needs medical attention."

He stares at her, cold and impassive. His tone matches his expression. "This is just a side effect of her condition. A night of bed rest is all she needs." With two snaps of his fingers, he summons the head butler by his side. The butler passes Selene her cane while he supports the rest of her weight by slinging her arm around his shoulders. At this point, she can barely stand on her feet.

Side effect, my ass! I know the difference between an arthritic flare and intoxication. Still, it does neither me nor Selene any good for me to call out Hanada-shi's bullshit. "That's all the more reason to take her to see a doctor, isn't it, Sir? She's pale and sweaty. I think whatever is going on, it's pretty serious."

But my words go in one ear and out the other. "Don't worry about it. Just forget this ever happened and enjoy the rest of the evening. There are other girls clamoring for a chance with you. Here, I'll personally escort you back as an apology on my and my daughter's behalves."

That's not what I want. An apology from you is the equivalent of dust, and Selene should not apologize for something that you did. In fact, as the butler drags a drowsy Selene out of the antechamber into a nearby hallway, police sirens blare in my head. I don't want to leave her in the company of people who mean her ill. Back in the rose maze, Miyamoto had mentioned that Hanada-shi was the one responsible for getting them inside the manor premises. They were very clear that they wished to hurt Selene.

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