CCII Shouto: Plum

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If one tells someone that they must apologize for something they did not do, what sort of reaction should one expect?

Outrage, anger, frustration, maybe even ignorance.

However, Selene had taken the news better than I had expected.

When I informed her about the price Fujiwara-san demanded for his testimony in court, she listened to every word in silence. Her expression was passive. I didn't know if she was livid or bitter. After I finished, she sighed and agreed to meet the man. I pressed her about why she was being so accepting of his terms. "If all it takes is an apology for him to accede to our request, might as well give him it," was her reasoning.

Strange for someone who is the epitome of pride. Shouldn't asking for forgiveness clash with ego? Especially when you have done nothing wrong?

Or maybe I am looking at this the wrong way. Selene is indeed prideful, no doubt about that. But she is pragmatic as well. More than once, she has said that she will optimize whatever methods necessary to achieve her goals, not caring about how honorable or dishonorable those methods may be. So her pride must be dependent on the outcome. If she ultimately gets what she wants, she sees no harm in making up for someone else's mistake. Her hero name, Lucifer, is truly fitting then. Making arrogance and practicality achieve a balance all by herself.

I can tell that she intends to broker a deal with Fujiwara-san. Of course, that is always her go-to option. Why fight when you can settle? Even lawyers provide the same advice when the client wishes to against a powerful organization. Speaking of lawyers ...

Sasaki-san has given us good news: the court file is almost ready to be submitted. He just needs a list of all the witnesses willing to testify so that he can lock the case for trial. Likely that is what is motivating Selene to swallow her ego. Following Sasaki-san's suggestion, she brings a manila folder with documents that must be signed by Fujiwara-san, affirming that he will appear in court if called in.

Fiddling with my own tie, I call for Selene to hurry up. She asks for two more minutes. She listened to Sasaki-san's advice, and she is listening to mine. It is my idea to wear our U.A. school uniforms when we meet with Fujiwara-san. To make a statement. To remind him that we are just school students who have not reached eighteen. I hope it will make him more amiable to us. Perhaps he might notice that he is in the wrong for accusing her for his financial situation.

At the very least, the outfits will help with Selene and I to maintain our facade of collaborating on a hero scheme. I'm sure that the man who is keeping such a strict watch over her technology use is also observing her movements. If he has sent a spy, there should be no reason for the spy to suspect anything amiss amongst two students out on a walk after classes. Even better if they presume it is a romantic date, although that is just my wishful thinking.

I was ready to arrange the meeting somewhere private – like the classy restaurant Selene took me to – but Fujiwara-san insisted on meeting at a place where people frequented and help was easily accessible. "Just in case you two try to do anything," he said. I rolled my eyes at his paranoia.

Yet I did not fight him. He was ready to talk to Selene; that was the important part.


Two train rides and a ten-minute walk later, we arrive at our destination.

A public park. Pet owners take their animals out for a walk, couples are out on a stroll, tourists take pictures of the scenery. For a good reason, too. During this month, the plum blossoms are in bloom. These flowers look very similar to cherry blossoms, but if one looks close enough, the differences are visible. Perhaps the most obvious would be the variety of color. Cherry blossoms come predominantly in light pink colors, but plum blossoms range in color. Such is the view ahead of us.

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