CCVI Shouto: Volcano

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Trigger Warning:

- sexual assault crime scene

- crude language

- blood


There are moments in life where time appears to break its pattern.

Sometimes it sludges along like the umibōzu, other times it chases like the kamaitachi.

Now is one of those moments.

Specifically, the former.

I am not entirely sure why I am making analogies with mythological creatures. Perhaps it is a mechanism to distract myself from the unavoidable anxiety looming around me. Who knew that fifteen minutes could pass by like fifteen years. Where is Selene?

Bakugou was not at all happy when I asked him to escort her back to the dormitory. He grumbled something about how becoming an errand boy was beneath him and that I owed him. Still, he went to do as I requested.

Meanwhile, I try to complete my shower within the promised time frame. There is a lot I must discuss with Selene.

A few months ago, a whimsical idea popped into my head. About getting Selene away from the Hanada manor for good. I had thought that she could live with me at my house until it was safe for her to be on her own. Back then, I had neither the means nor the authority to ask that of her and my family. However, the situation has changed now. What with Hanada-shi bound to receive a court summons sooner or later, he will come after Selene in the most unimaginable ways possible. Before he can get the chance to do so, I want to bring her to someplace safe. Admittedly, my home is not the epitome of tranquility, but it is considerably better than that hellhole called a mansion.

Selene is scion now. She has control over her personal identification documents, bank accounts, and other necessary legalities. Hanada-shi cannot use that as leverage over her. Furthermore, she has allies - Ahearn-san, Sasaki-san, and as of late, Tsukauchi-san - to ensure her safety.

Thus I have to play my part.

It is risky. A man who could hurt his child so brutally will no doubt seek retaliation against the friend trying to help his child.

Being the son of the Number One Hero myself and his successor, Hanada-shi will not dare to try physically attack me. That is my only insurance.

So when I get a call from Bakugou, palpable relief floods through me. He found her. I accept the call. "Hey! Are you guys on your way back?"

"You told her to wait at the nurse's, didn't you?" Bakugou answers my question with his own. Warily, I reply that I did. "Well, she's not here. Recovery Girl just bumped into me. She said that Hanada did come in, but now she has no clue wherever the hell she's gone. What makes it weirder is that there is a horde of library books on one of the tables. Recovery Girl confirmed that those books were Hanada's."

Goosebumps rise.

There should not be a reason for Selene to have disappeared. Sure, my tone was unnecessarily sharp, but I knew that she understood why I insisted that she wait somewhere where there were people around. "I'll try calling her. Then I'll let you know." Ending the call to do just that, the dial tone rings and rings. Eventually, it goes to voicemail. I try once more. Same thing. Worries heightening, I call Bakugou again. "She's not picking up."

"Well, do you have any idea where else she might be?!" Bakugou is getting frustrated from the ordeal. I understand. So am I. "How far could a girl with extra support walk?"

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