CCXXXI Shouto: Monstrosity

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Trigger Warning: 

- nightmare

- burning alive

- blood

- gore

- blades

- death

- mention of kidnapping

- mention of rape


Dark blue of midnight.

Silver glow of moonlight.

The coo of the nightingale and the blossoming of moonflowers.

In the midst of it all is her.

She lies beside the edge of the gazebo pond, skimming the surface with her fingers. Back and forth. I approach her from behind and call out her name. She does not respond. I move closer and call out again. Still nothing. This time, I cover the remaining distance and kneel beside her.

"Selene," I say again, touching her shoulder. She turns around. Her tear-streaked face catches me off guard. That is exactly how she looked the last time I saw her. Wait, last time? She lifts a gloved hand and touches my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Shouto," Her voice is no louder than a whisper. Her other hand rises. "I'm sorry."

Her words confuse me. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me. "What do you mean, Selene? Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong." I lean down so our foreheads touch. "If anything, I should be the one apologizing."

Suddenly, something catches the corner of my eye. The water had stilled when Selene cupped my face. But I can almost swear that a gurgle rippled from the center of the pond. I won't take my chances; my intuition must be warning me about something.

She shakes her head. "I hurt you, love." Hurt me?

"That can't be right. You've always been my well-wisher. Sweetheart," I murmur, kissing her cheek. "Let's go. Whatever is bothering you, we can talk it out. We'll find a solution, okay?" And I adjust my hold on her so that her back and knees are safely within my grasp.

I just begin rising when a monstrosity surfaces from the water. Made of shadows and fear, it has a hundred hands and fifty heads. Faces morph every second, as though unable to decide on a singular identity.

Shigaraki. Dabi. Twice. Toga. Mr. Compress. Spinner.

Miyamoto. Agawa. Kiyohime. Kimura. Kurosawa.

Hanada-shi. His assholes of sons.

However, all those vicious creatures share a unanimous mission. Their hundred hands surge forward. They wrap around Selene, trapping her wrists and ankles, stifling her screams.

"NO!" I shout, trying to summon my flames. Light defeats shadow. I'll summon the sun if I have to. As long as it means protecting my moon. With one arm securely around her waist and the other shooting fireball after fireball at the monster, the battle is hard. Selene stares at me with wide eyes, pleading for help. I try to reassure her. "I won't let that thing do anything to you, okay? Have faith in me."

But the monster is persistent. It forces Selene to her feet, dragging her into the water step by step. We play tug of war with her body. A muffled shriek leaves her throat from being pulled in opposite directions.

"Just a little longer, Selene! Resist it!"

The amalgamation of creatures manages to lug her into the pond, knee-depth. Only a few more meters and she'll be completely in its grasp. I don't have much time. Concentrating all my power into one appendage, a laser of orange blasts a hole through the monster's stomach. And I don't stop just there. The audacity! How dare it touch my Selene? Unforgivable.

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