CCXXIV Selene: Scorpion

8 0 7

Trigger Warning:

- blood

- gore

- extreme manipulation


Of all the places I have had to teleport to today, this place was the last one I was expecting.

That black void.

There are no colorful beams or white clouds, but I recognize this void.

The same abyss I transported to when transferring One for All to Shigaraki.

Why? Why do I have to relive this experience again?

It's not much of a relief to see terrain beneath my toes. It definitely does not help that Midoriya-san and Shigaraki-san are in the same dimension, too. Oh, would you look at that? All for One joined the party, too! Yippee! If Midoriya-san recognizes me, I am doomed. All my efforts will be for naught.

No one has noticed me yet. I intend to keep it that way. I can use the darkness to my advantage. Backing away slowly from everyone, the shadows conceal me, rendering me as the third-party spectator. And with the immediate threat quelled for now, I can scrutinize my settings.

Midoriya-san and Shigaraki face each other. Though it appalls me to see Midoriya-san on his two feet, partially cloaked in shadows of his own. A half-mask covers the lower part of his face. Where did your costume go? At the same time, Shigaraki appears to be forced to his knees by All for One, of all people. They are arguing.

I want to argue too. Ten bleeding hells, Shigaraki! You couldn't preserve my trenchcoat for thirty minutes?! It was custom-made designer material, too!

"Get out! Don't get closer!" Shigaraki protests.

All for One replies much too calmly, "Even if you say so, Tomura ... if I hadn't lent you my power, you would be burned to a crisp! And even if you survived that, wouldn't a fall from this height mean certain death?"

"Shut your trap! I already told you this, Sensei! This is my path ... my dream!"

I don't understand. Shigaraki revered All for One since the day I met him. He obeyed his instructions without complaint and took his advice in high regard. What changed? More importantly, what do I do?

Apparently, Midoriya-san is in the same quagmire as I am. He tries to move forward, but trips, landing on his stomach hard. Then an unfamiliar voice joins the conversation. A muscular woman with a much too innocent face. Rubbing the back of Midoriya-san's head, she says, "You still can't move in this world. But we'll do something about that." Who is this?

My mouth opens to blurt the question, but I manage to shut it at the last second. I cannot give myself away.

"To think we'd be meeting after my passing, All for One," the woman continues.

If the woman's tone and expression belay consternation and hostility, then All for One displays the opposite. "Look at that, Tomura!" he jeers, darkness cloaking the upper half of his face. "A corpse is talking! Not just any corpse, but your grandmother. The sorrowful and pathetic Nana Shimura!"

Huh?! Grandmother! I recall Shigaraki mentioning seeing his deceased family members when waking up from his coma. Was this woman present in his vision? And grandmother? Shigaraki's grandmother was a hero, but her grandchild is a villain. What a twist of fate! But that brings up another important question? Just how old is All for One? I realize that I've talked to this man so many times but never actually seen his face. Even now, what I get is incomplete. Judging from the wrinkles and sagging skin, he seems to be in his mid-forties. However, Nana Shimura-san is confirmation that he is much, much older.

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