CCXXXIII Selene: Lightning

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Trigger Warning: 

- rape

- kidnapping

- guns

- crude language

- human trafficking

- prostitution

- mention of death

- self-harm

- suicide attempt

- depression

- PTSD hallucinations


"Celebrate your first night here with our long-time patron."

I know damn well who said patron is.

I've been getting to know him for the past few weeks.

Hanada-sama's eldest son but ten times worse.

The door behind him closes. It's just me and him for the entire night. I spare him a single glance before resolutely picking at the fraying threads of the coverlet. Who am I fooling? Feebly defending my sense of pride is not going to circumvent the inevitable. And what pride do I possess anymore?


When I came to, there was a gag in my mouth.

I tried to remove it, only to find that my hands were bound behind my back and feet were chained together. The most I could do was roll over and push myself against a wall to sit upright. And that was when I saw exactly what had become of me.

Nightgown torn to shreds. Bite marks over my shoulders and breasts. Bruises between my thighs. And a stickiness between my legs. So much stickiness that were there not a cloth shoved to the back of my throat, I would vomit. Everything became blurry as tears welled up in my eyes. Blinking, they trailed down my cheeks. My strength left with them. Slumping down until the wall was supporting my weight, I cried my eyes hurt. Then I cried some more.

At some point, my lacrimal glands simply refused to produce any more tears. I finally began observing my surroundings.

Steel panels caging me in with metal beams on the inside for support. Water from an unknown source trickled in, pooling in the corner. A few flickering bulb fixtures overhead, dangling from their wires, swaying from side to side like a pendulum. My own filth - were those animal bones over there?! I stank. Those bones reeked. The empty bottles of beer strewn about smelled. Drops of blood and spots of dried white liquid peppered the floor, as if to remind me what transpired while I was unconscious. There was a vibration beneath me. Like that of a transporting machine. Was I inside a truck? Where was the driver taking me? How long was I unconscious?

I tried summoning a quirk. Any quirk. Fire. Water. Air. Earth. Lightning. Nothing appeared though. Maybe a knife, at the very least. Then I could have cut the rope binding my hands and pick at the lock of the chains. Not even a hammer nail manifested.

What was happening to me?

As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. My throat scratched, too. The timing could not be more horrible. When I squinted hard enough, bits of meat clinging to the bones were discernible. Not that I was in a position where I could eat, but just looking at them killed any appetite. I wish that my thirst could have been quenched just as easily. It was not. God knows when was the last time someone shoved water down my mouth. So parched that I would degrade myself to drinking days old still water.

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