CCIV Shouto: Sweetheart

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Trigger Warning:

- discussion of sexual assault

- discussion of abuse


I'm ashamed to admit it, but my body finally caught up with the stress.

As an aspiring hero, the only reason I should be confined to bed rest is from injuries gained during a conflict.

Wounds I can wear like badges of honor.

Burnout syndrome is not something to be proud of.

Which is why Selene insists that I bunk school today. "It is Saturday. Tomorrow is the weekend. You will hardly suffer any losses from not attending class today," she reminds me. "If it is any consolation, I will take notes for you." That's not the issue. I'm all for playing hooky for one day. It's just ... skipping because of sickness is not cool. When I tell her as much, she frowns and lightly shoves me. "If you prefer fatal wounds over a fever, then I suppose you possess some measure of ridiculous male ego, too." I guess I do.

Then her features soften. Perhaps she feels there is no point in getting upset with the unwell. She sits on the edge of the bed, beside my lying figure, and pats my cheek. "Shouto, it is not shameful to fall ill. I would prefer that you remain healthy all the time, but if it is a choice between watching you bedridden because of overwork or because of battle, then I select the former." Selene bends down and kisses my forehead. She whispers, "One of them can be recovered from with certainty; the other ... not so much."

Her words are a balm. She is right. When it comes down to it, a high temperature can come down with some sleep and medication. All the side effects associated with inflicted harm are not so easy to treat. I should make the most of this and catch up on much-needed rest. But ...

"What about your arthritic flares? You woke up feeling very sore. If they hit you during class, how will you reach the infirmary?" I ask with a raspy voice.

Selene reaches for the towel and bowl of warm water on the nightstand. After dipping the cloth and wringing it, she sets on my head. "Don't worry about me. I'll have Bakugou-kun or Midoriya-san escort me if the situation arises. For now, you should focus on recovering."

I open my mouth to counter. "But how-"

She presses a finger against my lips. "Love," she murmurs. And that word instantly silences any protests lodged in my throat. "You're always taking care of me. Let me do the same for you this once. What say?"

"Fine," I groan, half-heartedly. If I'm being honest, I actually enjoy being doted on. "At least it means that your attention will be on me instead of your cane." At that, I get another gentle push.

She glances at her watch and gets up. "There is some time until classes start. I think you should stay in my room for today. You may use my tub and shower. And if it is all right with you, I can retrieve your things from your dorm room." In other words, she is requesting for my room card. A great symbol of trust. "Only if you wish," she adds, nerves starting to get the best of her. "Otherwise, forgive me if I am being intrusive." With each word, her confidence ebbs.

"Check my wallet," I breathe out. "Third pocket."

She looks stunned. A part of her had expected me to turn her offer down. But she is quick to overcome it. Following my directions, she pulls out the card. Under her breath, she mutters a checklist. "Medicines, blanket, food, water, heater ... all of those items are here. I should bring a set of clothes, toiletries, your comb ... Shouto?" She speaks louder now. "Is there anything else you would like me to get?"

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