CCIII Selene: Dummy

13 0 15

Trigger Warning:

- needles

- blood

- discussion of rape

- moving dolls (because that stuff is nightmare content)



The intense fear of needles, especially in medical settings.

Do not be mistaken; I am not afraid of them.

But I am concerned by the amount of blood being withdrawn from my arm.

As per our agreement, I am letting Daruma-san perform some medical tests on me in the hopes of finding the genes for the Rewind quirk. If luck favors us, then supply and production of quirk suppressors and enhancers can begin immediately. There will be no need to target the original owner of the ability, as I will become the new factory of power.

However, I also have an arrangement with Yotsubashi-san: using my absorbed powers for the purpose of developing durable villain equipment.

Much like how Hanada-sama organized three meetings in one day, I was compelled to do the same. Behind his back, I am colluding with the two men to strengthen the Paranormal Liberation Army's foundation. Preparing for war while Shigaraki endures unspeakable horrors.

Speaking of which ...

"Doctor," I call out. "How much longer until Shigaraki's body is ready to handle One for All's capacity?"

He pauses with whatever it is he is doing. Almost as though he was waiting in anticipation for this subject to come up. "One more month, maximum. He is progressing with remarkable speed! Shigaraki is such a fascinating specimen."

My stomach curdles at the nickname. I attempt to suppress it by focusing on the information Daruma-san gave me. One more month, he predicts. So around mid-April Shigaraki should wake up. That is when I will transfer One for All to him, and we launch our attack.

I remember Sasaki-san's words. He had informed Shouto and I that with the witness list prepared, he was almost ready to submit the case file to the court. It would take a few weeks to be processed and some more for the notice to reach Hanada-sama. Elated, Shouto had showered with hugs and kisses. No doubt that I was relieved, but I wish mine were at the same level as his.

Because Hanada-sama is still breathing and kicking.

And this is something that I must discuss with Daruma-san now.

"That drug you gave me ...," I begin. "The one I had to apply to liquor glasses ... why has it not killed him yet?" Daruma-san asks me to elaborate as he reads something on his tablet. I stare at the dark red liquid exiting the radial artery and filling the plastic bag. "Every day he vomits blood. He has gone to the hospital more times in one-and-a-half months than I have since I began secondary school. The man is carrying a bottle every time I see him; he has fainted in bed nearly every night; he wakes up with a hangover the following morning. But the damn creature is not dead."

"Is he taking any medication to counteract the effects of alcohol?"

I reply, "The doctors prescribed him naltrexone. Just so that the urge to consume liquor would lessen. However, that should have no effect on the action of the drug."

Daruma-san is not as concerned as I am. He simply shrugs and comments, "The human body is a persistent thing. One of its marvels is that it will endeavor to keep the host alive until the last second. If everything you are saying is true, then do not worry. Sooner or later, he will die."

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