CCXXIII Shouto: Angel

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Trigger Warning: 

- major character deaths

- death

- blood

- gore

- mutilation

- burns

- impalement

- evisceration


There are only two reasons preventing me from entering into battle headfirst.

One, I care about my life.

Two, the Pro-Heroes - people who are supposed to have the most experience combatting high-rank villains - are struggling to keep up.

I managed to catch up with Bakugou and Midoriya. Midoriya's excuse that he forgot something was a blatant lie, but for Bakugou to go with him ... that's when I understood that something was up. They were hiding something. A truth that they were only privy to. Usually, I am not one to intrude on other's secrets, but I didn't like the vibe that my friends gave off.

It's okay. When you reach them, you can just ask them directly what is going on. Remember when you asked Midoriya outright if he was All Might's love child? He answered honestly. He'll do the same thing now.

At least, that is what I had believed. Upon arriving at the scene, I developed second thoughts about confronting them.

My brave-to-the-point-of-stupid friends decide to tackle Shigaraki. The same guy who not too long ago decimated an entire city to rubble. Also the same guy that had been amassing an army since January. Utterly genius idea!

Shigaraki collapses, heaving for air face down. Endeavor stands some distance away, studying him. Clouds of dust, piles of debris, and the numerous injuries on their bodies belay the story that unfolded.

"No matter how much power you obtain ..." Dad begins. His voice comes out so hoarse, I fear that he burned his vocal cords. "We will never yield to destruction without conviction!" I hide behind a chunk of metal that managed to survive the onslaught. The vantage from this position allows me to survey the entire battlefield. Together, all parties present form a square pyramid. In one sector, Midoriya and Bakugou appear just as battered as Endeavor. Across from them is Aizawa-sensei, being supported by Rocklock and Manual. Jet occupies one corner perpendicular to the two groups, and I complete the square base. Ryukyu hovers overhead in her dragon form. In the center of it all is Endeavor and Shigaraki.

Shigaraki manages to lift himself into a crouch. "All of you ... heroes ..." I recall the villain always having a raspy tone, but it is even more prevalent now. I hope that's the result of the damage Dad inflicted on him. "You hurt your own families ... just to help complete strangers," he continues. One knee comes up. "Those were my father's words!" His voice becomes stronger. The other knee rises. "If that's conviction, then I do! I do have it!"

By this point, Shigaraki can straighten his two legs. I wonder why the Pro-Heroes haven't attacked so far. What are they waiting for? The villain to stand up fully before resuming the fighting? Some nonsensical sense of chivalry? Rocklock drags Aizawa-sensei and Manual toward a makeshift shield nearby. Jet seems to be nursing a wound.

"You heroes pretend to be society's guardians. For generations, you pretended not to see those you couldn't protect and swept their pain under the rug. It's tainted everything you built." Shigaraki had a severed arm, but immediately a new appendage grows from the stump. Muscle, sinew, flesh. As if the amputation had never existed at all. "That means your system's all rotten from the inside. With maggots crawling out. It all builds up. Little by little, over time." The guys' monologuing his bullshit and none of you are going to attack? Seriously?! But no. Everyone is all too eager to give him the time to recuperate and finish his speech.

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