Chapter 17

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Alison Pov

The doctor finally come out from Emily's room.
I get up from my seat and rushed to her.

Ali-"How is she?" The doctor is smiling.

Doctor-"She's back. You can get in now." She smiles again. After she said that, i let out a breath that i didn't realize i was holding the whole time. And the others are hugging each other.

Ali-"Oh my god. Thank you so much!" I walk pass her and straight to Emily, the other follows.
I take her hand and i look at her and kissing her head. I put my forehead against her "You scared me to death Em."
The other are standing around her again, and i take a seat next to Em while still holding on her hand.

Hanna-"Don't ever do that again Emily!" Hanna said to Em and she kiss her cheek.

Spencer-"Welcome back though girl." Spencer said holding her tears.

Aria-"Next time try to open your eyes instead of stop breathing okay." She jokes trying to break the intensity and we all giggles.

Cece-"Do that once again and i'll kill you Emily." She jokes.

Toby-"Okay, that's a little too much Cece." He said chuckling.

After a few minutes, everyone is settled and just talking about what happened. Cece are telling them everything.

Cece-"I'm surprised that you guys didn't found out until you're all back. She's all over the news you know. But i'm glad that you didn't. I mean, it's bad enough that we didn't tell you, it'll be so much worse if you have to find out from the media."

Spencer-"We didn't really watch tv in Bali. Everyday is an adventure in there. And then when we're back, Toby told us."

Caleb-"So who is this Samara exactly?"

Cece-"She's an ex from college. And she wants Emily back."

Spencer-"That's just insane."

Hanna-"Is she locked up now?"

Cece-"She is now. Well, i accidentally shot her first. But i don't regret it." She shrugs.

Hanna-"I'd be happy to making holes on her body."

Spencer-"Gosh Hanna. You're a psycho bitch." And we all laugh.

Aria-"And Emily has been in coma for 2 weeks by now?" Cece nods.

Toby-"Wait a second." Toby looks like he just realized something. "Fuck."

Spencer-"What's wrong?"

Toby-"I just realized that i have seen Samara before."


Toby-"You know when Em, Caleb and i were out and about in Vegas?" We nods. "When we were at the bar Em got a few phone calls, and she decided to answered because it really won't stop ringing. And when she's back after answering her phone, she looked so tense, and she told us it's just some colleague. After the bar, we went to some clothing store, Em was waiting for us just sitting around. I saw a blonde girl sitting behind her, and after we're done, we walk back to Em and i told her that we're done. And then i look back and see that girl. She looks pretty but cracked. She looks like a lunatic. And now i remembered her."
Wtf? This girl is really crazy!

Cece-"That was 2 weeks ago, and you can practically see Samara like everywhere, and you just remembered?!"

Spencer-"Hold up. That means she's been following Emily since Vegas?!"

I decided to step in.

Ali-"It was even before Vegas..." I said to them.

"WHAT?!" The others said in unison.

Ali-"Look, it was something personal. And i don't think i can tell you guys about this. Because Em said she'll tell you guys everything after you're back from your honeymoon."

Hanna-"Just tell us please?"

Aria-"Yeah Ali, it's not like we're strangers." I shake my head, and i think about it.

Ali-"Okay, i'm gonna tell you. But please keep it between us. It's a family secret." They all nods.
"So, do you guys remember when Em got OD like 2 years ago?" They nods again. "It wasn't because of Samara drugged her. Em was a junkie." And every jaw drops except for Hanna's.
"You don't look surprise." I said to Hanna.

Hanna-"I know about Em and her drugs addiction."

"WHAT?!" We all said in unison, again.

Hanna-"Come on, when Em cut the strings with us, she didn't really cut it with me. She used to come by like every midnight, high, and she would talk about Alison all the time. And one time i found a cocaine on her bag, and i was shocked, i really don't know what i was supposed to do, and i confronted her. She was begging me not to tell any of you, especially Ali, and she said she will stop whatever she was doing but i have to keep my mouth shut. And then i did what she asked me. After a few weeks she told me that she's over with it, and i believed her, because she never showed up high or drunk anymore. She was sober, but broken. And then i heard about the incident and i felt so guilty. I talked to her parents and they also asked me to keep it between us. So that's why i never told any of you."

Ali-"Not even me Han? Wow."

Spencer-"How do you live with such a big secret Han?!"

Aria-"I can't believe what you just said." Aria shake her head.

Cece-"But i gotta admit, you're a good secret keeper Han. And how do you not slipped?"

Hanna-"Because i was protecting my bestfriend. I love her too much."

Ali-"What else you've been hiding Han?"

Hanna-"Uhh, nothing. I'm an open book really. That secret is the only secret i've been holding on to."

After Hanna's confession we are all talking, discussing, and processing about everything that just Happened.
I look at Emily, and just watching her. Watching her breathing. I runs my finger on her hair.

-30 minutes later-

Ali-"I miss you... Don't ever pull that stunt again babe." I kiss her head.

The girls stays for another 2 hours until the visiting hour is over. And when they all left, i lay down on the hospital bed, snuggles to Emily.

Ali-"You have to be strong baby. We miss you so much. I miss you so much. I need you to be here with me, holding me, hugging me, kissing me, loving me Em..." I have tears on my eyes, i wiped it away. "I love you so much Emily. I want you here telling me everything will be okay Em." and i kiss Emily on the forehead and her lips. And then i put my forehead on her shoulder and try to close my eyes, so maybe i can dream about her waking up again and holding me.

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