Chapter 33

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Alison Pov

I'm 6 months along. The baby is fine, the baby is amazing actually. Em and i are so thankful for this little bundle of joy.
But my craving got worse. I made Em went to the nearest 711 to buy some stupid snacks at 3 in the morning. But good thing she loves me that much to actually went and get what i'm asking for.

I woken up by a voice. I open my eyes and see Em talking to our baby.
I'm smiling watching her. She's the most gentle person in this entire world.
I rest my hand on her back and starts rubbing her back.

Emily-"... Your mommy is the most beautiful, smart, and caring person in the whole entire world. We both got lucky to have her in our lives baby." She kiss my belly.

Ali-"And i got lucky to have you two in my live. Well, one is still coming soon though." Em laugh.

Emily-"Good morning beautiful."

Ali-"Morning love. You looks tired."

Emily-"Well, my night run is taking a few hours of my sleeping time. But that's okay."

Ali-"You're the best." I wrap her body in my arms. "I love you."

Emily-"I love you more." She climbed up and kiss my lips.

Ali-"Babe, what's your schedule today?"

Emily-"I'm leaving to Cali in 2 hours."

Ali-"Ugh. I hate it when you're in there."


Ali-"Your co-workers are always flirting with you." I pouts.

Emily-"Oh someone's jealous."

Ali-"Hey! I'm your wife Emily." I shoved her.

Emily-"Alright alright. I'm joking babe!" She laughs. "You see this ring on my finger." Em lift her ring finger. "This is my heart, soul, mind, and body's lock. And a symbol that i am belongs to someone called Alison DiLaurentis- wait, Fields, so no one could have any of those while you're still holding on to them baby." I'm so flattered by what she said.

Ali-"You're so cheesy!!!" I said while attacking her face with kisses. "I love you so much baby."

Emily-"I love you too. And i will love you even more if you'd tell me where did you put all my pop tarts."

Ali-"You had pop tarts yesterday, so no pop tarts until next week."

Emily-"Babe, pleaseeeeeeeee." She said while giving me her best puppy eyes.

Ali-"Ugh Emmmmm." I rolled my eyes and grab her some pop tarts from my hiding place.


Ali-"I can't wait until the day you and our baby fight over a pop tarts."

Emily-"Yeah. Wait for it babe."


I'm at work with Hanna, and we both are starving as fuck!

Hanna-"I want pizza."

Ali-"I want noodles."

Hanna-"I changed my mind, i want noodles."

Ali-"No i changed my mind. I want pizza."

Hanna-"Fuck we're so annoying. But seriously, i'm so hungry."

Ali-"Me too! I wish i could call Em and let her decide and we can go to lunch together."

Hanna-"Then call her. She'll make time for us."

Ali-"Ugh! She's in Cali now." I pouts. "What about Caleb?"

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