Part 114

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"Perhaps you can cheer this grump up." Denyse teases, pointing at Rene. "Last year, he mostly sat and moped around." Rene shares another knowing look with Celine. Celine stands and dusts off her skirt. "I'msure you both have some catching up to do, I don't want to interfere." "Oh, but I-" Denyse starts. "I need to discuss the recording with you. One moment, Denyse." Rene hurries out of the room after Celine. He catches her and hugs her quickly. "I didn't know she was coming so early." "It's alright, love. She's delightful." Celine assures. "I'll see you tomorrow in the studio. We'll start on that new song." Rene watches her walk away, not sure if he should actually be worried about her. He sighs and returns to Denyse. They chat a little bit more, about nothing in particular before she leaves to meet with Patrick. Rene manages to get through the day and then comes his favorite part. He calls Celine. She answers on the second ring and their call drags out for hours. When Rene wakes up, he realizes his phone is still off the receiver. He chuckles to himself and hangs up before getting ready for the day. Once he gets to the office, he sees Celine at the studio. He plays by the rules, putting work ahead of everything, trying to get the best recording possible for her. The team begs for a break and Celine agrees, so everyone sits in the break room. Rene isn't sure how the ball comes up, but once it does, everyone's laughing, planning outfits and excited. Rene invites them all to take care of the formality. The buzz remains all day. Celine smiles and says a gentle thank you just as they finish for the day.

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