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Channie's POV
After we ate, several guards led me to a chamber.

The chambers lay in the south wing of the castle.

The rest of the Royale family's room were all in the north wing.

I guess they don't trust us much. Can't really blame them though.

I don't even trust myself.

Once we reached the chambers I felt like they specifically designed it for me.

The red lights were dim and there was one single window.

It was about the size of my upper body.

The wall was painted black and the gloom had a gray carpeting.

There was a candle lit up by the bed stand and a fresh pair of black pajamas.

I guess they know me too well.

And seeing how the room was made with the red lights, I've set a goal for myself.

Before leaving this kingdom.

I need to, no I have to fuck someone in here.

Gotta make good use of the red lights.

I dismissed every one except for my personal guard.


He was pretty much my best friend.

He's been through everything I have and that's why I respect him so much.

He isn't average.

He's strong as fuck.


Minho POV

Every time I see that bastards face makes me go crazy.

Just him breathing the same air as me pisses me off.

He's the reason my entire family has been annihilated.

Well more like his dead father's.

"Minho?" My thoughts were interrupted by the prince.


"What do you think of him?"

"Who? The King Chan?"

He nodded.

"He's an asshole."

I remembered how he had that smug smirk on his face at the dining hall.

He's up to something.

I know it


3rd person pov

The next day

The sun tore through the curtains.

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