Thirty- Six

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There's gonna be a lot of time skips in this chapter sorry.

@oneonetworhreefive I'm sorry for being late since I said I'd try to update faster 😭 I had a huge writers block

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The after party was going smoothly, Many of Chan's and the King's advisors had come with their families. Dukes, counts, and barons had also been invited.

Minho was walking around looking for Hyunjin, he did promise to see him later.

"The food looks good doesn't it?" The blonde boy licked his lips at the sight of meat.

"Yeah.. Why aren't you with Changbin?" The red haired asked.

"Cause he has to stand next to Chan hyung while he has a bunch of boring conversations." Felix sighed.

"Oh, it must be boring..."

"Yeah, So you and Minho hyung made up." Felix asked cheerfully.

"I wouldn't say that..."

"I saw Hyunjin, everyone did. Don't deny it. Now your big brothers are looking for you to go." Felix nudged Hyunjin in Minho's direction.

The married man has been looking everywhere for his little brother.

"I'm gonna eat something, you know where to find me." Felix smiled before leaving.

Hyunjin was about to go after Minho until someone came by.

"Hey Hyunjin," A gentle voice called for him.


"Can we talk, please." He begged.

"Jisung, I thought I-"

"Please, I just wanna clear up all the misunderstandings."

"There were none, We're just not a thing, that's it. We barely even knew each other." Hyunjin spoke softly but sternly.

"Hyunjin..." Jisung whispered the oldest name softly as he walked away.

— — — —

Without hesitation, Hyunjin walked up to his older brother, dragging him out of his conversation with some short girl.

"Hyunjin..?" Minho called out confused.

"You said we could talk."

"Oh yeah, let's talk somewhere more private."

The brothers were now outside the venue. A small pond within their view.

"So what did you want to talk about?" The elder of the two asked.

"You said you wouldn't leave me."

"Of course not, you may have been a bitch, but you're still my baby brother." Minho smiled brightly as the moonlight shone on his face, brining a pleasant glow

"I'm not a baby." Hyunjin dramatically whined, falling his head onto his older brother's lap. "I miss them...." The red haired spoke again.

"I miss them too, but I know they're watching us from above." Minho's hands ran through Hyunjin's long vivid red hair. "I'm sorry I wasn't a good older brother for you and Lix."

"Why would you be sorry? You worked hard feeding me and Felix. There were so many nights I remember you hadn't eaten anything. You'd just watch Felix and I stuff our faces." The tears clung to his cheeks. "You'd come home so late, your whole body bruised." Hyunjin choked on a sob.

"Yeah.. but none of us had a normal childhood. I couldn't make it happen." The purple haired responded, his voice broken but soothing.

" But in the end, it all turned out okay."

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