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Updated with your motivation @pcio4723. ❤️

The Big Day 🥰

Minho hasn't seen Chan all day, Jeongin and Felix had kept him from seeing the older. He missed Chan's hugs and kisses badly.

Felix looked so happy for him, smiling as if there was no tomorrow. Minho remembered when he first told Felix and Hyunjin. The freckled boy was happy for him while Hyunjin didn't care much. But the thought of a brother in law didn't sound terrible.

"Hyung, you look so handsome." Felix smiled.

"Thank you." Minho shifted his body to look behind himself to see in the mirror. The white tux he wore had  borders that were in gold. The lapels of the tux kept golden flower patterns lacing the border. One side of Minho's hair was pushed back, having a few strands sticking out. The makeup on his face wasn't heavy but his eyes looked ethereal. The pink and gold shaded above his eyes, with a light pink under. His lips were in a baby pink tone, soft and kissable.

"When can I see Chan?" Minho pouted. Felix was at shock. Never seeing Minho acting clingy and lovey with someone. The thought made him tear up.

"Lix, why are you crying?" Minho got worried.

"It's nothing, I'm just really happy for you hyung." Felix smiled, wiping away the tears.

"Thank you Felix," Minho hugged the younger. They were a family, along with Hyunjin of course.

"Hyung, I need to tell you something." The younger hesitantly spoke.

"What is it?"

"I have a boyfriend...."  The freckled boy confessed.

"You what?" Minho was stunned.

"I have a boyfriend," He repeated.

"I'm so happy for you Lixie, who is it? How long have you two been a thing? Does he treat you right?" A rush of questions escaped Minho's mouth.

"We've been together for a few months, and he treats me like a prince. And it's Changbin hyung........." His voice descended as he spoke his lovers name.

"Changbin? That shortass bitch who looks like a dwarf?" Minho asked.

"Don't call him that ." Felix giggled lightly, punching Minho's shoulder.

"That bastard won't stop calling me old." Miho grumbled.

— — —

"It's time.. I'll see you when you're on the aisle. Cya Hyung." Felix waves before leaving. Just seconds later Hyunjin entered the tent.

"You done?" Everyone's waiting."

"Y-yeah... Let's go." Minho was nervous, not wanting to mess up this special day. It was too important.

"Can I say something before going?" The red haired male asked.

"Go ahead."

"I know I've treated you like shit during the past years, and I'm sorry. But... don't leave me." Hyunjin choked on his sob, a tear trickled down his cheeks.

"Hyunjin.." Minho was about to comfort him but the music started to play.

"We'll talk later, I promise. Just know that you're my family... I'm never gonna leave you." He smiled warmly.

Hyunjin nodded before tangling his arms with his elder brother. Usually the bride's father takes the role of walking down the aisle alongside the bride. But Hyujin decided to fill in.

The moment Minho started to walk down the aisle, all eyes fell on him. Not the scary gaze of 'get the fuck out' but, 'welcome.'  The thought made Minho's heart all fuzzy and warm. A little girl was behind them throwing flower petals, playing the role of the flower girl. As Minho was looking ahead, he saw Chan, the one he's been longing to see all day. The older one smiled at him falling in love all over again.

Once Minho and Hyunjin reached the front of the podium, Hyunjin let go signaling 'see you later.' The taller walked away joining Felix. Minho smiled and walked up the podium. He stood in front of Chan, eye-to-eye. The gaze is stronger than before. His eyes filled with lust.

"Hey kitten," he whispered, smirking, making Minho blush. Not being used to the pet name in public.

"Shut up, what if he hears you?" Minho whispered back.

"Then let him, he'll be the one suffering."

"Suffering how?" Minho asked.

"Kitten I just want to-"

"Never mind." Minho whispered, looking away with his cheeks tinted red.

"Do you, King Bang Christopher Chan, take Lee Minho as your husband?" The priest interrupted."

"I Do." He said smiling at Minho.

"Do you, Lee Minho, Take King Bang Chrisitphor Chan as your husband?"

"I Do." Minho looked up at Chan.

"You may now kiss to seal the promise." The priest backed away from the couple, sadly for him he had heard there little whispering conversation.

Chan wrapped his hands around the younger's waist, taking in Minho's soft features before gently placing his lips on the youngers. They moved together as if they were one. The clapping is loud, people screaming with joy. Flowers thrown in the air. Minho backed away knowing many eyes were at them. But he stood still with Chan's grip.

"I wanna taste-"

"Not now," Minho whisper shouted at him.

And it was done, they were finally together. Nothing could split them apart. But as Minho looked into the audience, he saw Ivory, her belly has grown. Around 4 months till the baby was due. But Minho didn't want to think about that, it was his day, and he was going to enjoy it.


Sorry if I messed up the wedding, I don't know how they work 😭

So plz correct me if I'm wrong

❤️ thank you for reading this far ❤️

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