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No one's pov

Minho continuously moaned against Chan's lips.

The kiss was rough but passionate their mouths moving against each other, wet.

"You have to be quiet kitten, we don't want the others hearing your beautiful moans now do we."

Chan whispers into Minho ear at the same time licking his earlobe then nibbling it.

Minho moaned again his back arching.

"I-I'm not b-bottoming."

"Why are you stuttering sweetheart?"

"I-I, don't call me that."

Chan took a hold of Minho's waist and pushed their bodies together not letting there be any gaps between the two.

"Tell me when to stop sweetheart~."

"I-I told you. I-I'm not bottoming."

"You want a bet?"

The younger nodded.

"Chan placed his fingers above Minho's erection and started palming his dick."

Minho started moaning, small amounts of pleasure coming to him.

"Shh kitten."

Minho took a hold of Chan shoulders gripping them hard.

"Has no one ever palmed my kitten before? Or is my kitten a virgin?"

"I'm not a virgin." Minho choked with all the pleasure taking over him.

Chan pulled Minho's pants down revealing the younger's boxers.

"Tell me when you get uncomfortable ok?"

"Like I said, I'm not bottoming."

"Your so stubborn kitten."

"And I don't plan on stopping."

Chan ignored him and pulled down his boxers.

Minho's dick was big but not as big as Chan's.

He started giving Minho a blowjob.

The younger flinched when Chan's cold hands made contact with his dick.

He started pumping slow at first teasing the younger.

But then he kept going faster and faster.


"Be quiet kitten or I might have to gag you with my fingers."

Minho's cheeks started to heat up.

Chan went and licked the tip.

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