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Minho pov

The sunlight was attacking my closed eyes trying to wake my up from my deep slumber.

As I was opening my eyes my entire body felt gross and exhausted.

"I haven't had a hungover in so long," I groaned to myself as I slowly got up.

That's when the thought hit me.

What happened last night?

I hastily got up running out of my room.

No one seemed to be awake, actually no one was there.

Or at least I saw no one.

But still, all I can remember is that Innie left with the other two and then everything else blacked out.

I walked into the kitchen to see a few dishes in the sink and the kitchen was quite messy.

There's no way Hyunjin cooked, I thought to myself.

When we were little out mom thought it would a great idea to let us cook.

Let me rephrase that.

She thought it would be a great idea to let me teach Hyunjin to cook.

And at that time I obviously said no but my mom insisted.

She knew of my cooking skills, fuck, she was the one who taught me.

When my mom succeeded in convincing me, I "tried" to teach him.

And obviously he failed in learning.

I know that I tried to put effort in teaching him but I didn't fail in teaching, he failed in learning.

And nothing will change my mind.

And to this day, he still can't cook.

So it's highly probable that Felix was here.

But all of a sudden I felt nauseous.

My throat felt like it was about to explode.

I rushed to the bathroom in hopes of getting rid of this unpleasant feeling.

I knelt down in front of the toilet throwing up till everything was gone.

With my hand I wiped some of from the corner of my lips.

I flushed the toilet and stood in front of the mirror.

I looked like a mess.

My hair was messy covering parts of my eyes.

And my eyes were quite puffy, was I crying last night?

Why though?

Because of what?

Fuck, I can't remember shit from when I was drunk.

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