Chapter 1: Hot and Cold

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Waking up in the room Neku knew best, he got out of bed and took a stretch. Taking a look in the mirror near his bed, he decided to take a shower and straighten out his hair for the day. After a nice shower, Neku grabbed a comb from the mini cup by his sink, as Neku began combing his hair down carefully. Before throwing his traditional red beanie back on. "...Todays the day." Neku said to himself. "So long, to this home Ive known for as long as I have, and a new experience. ....Oh fuck. What if I make a bad first impression?!"

Contemplating for a bit, Neku shook his head. "Just. Be professional, Neku. Best you can. You got this." Taking a few deep breaths, Neku heard a small meow from behind him. Turning around, he was face to face with one of his three cats he personally owned in this Bunker he called home. Harley, a black and white cat full of Sass and a desire for food. Stared back.

"Can I help you, Miss?" Neku asked, with a smirk as Harley looked back. Judging with her intimidating eyes, as she let out a soft meow. "...Is a certain Mrs Kitty hungry?"

Harley let out another meow, hopping onto Nekus bed and staring down. "...Or are you here to judge me on having to leave for this school?"

A slow blink, as Neku sighed. "Betrayed by my own kitty, she sits upon her throne. Judging. Ever so silently." Neku jokingly spoke, chuckling to himself. "Ok, Harley. Gimme just a moment." Taking a moment to let the ambience sink in one more time, Neku took a look around his room one more time.

A refurbished room that once belonged to a Sleep train down in the abandoned tunnels Neku and his gang resided in. There were but multiple trains down in this place, where Tyson and Neku resided and recruited multiple people. Offering sanctuary, and with what money they made from side jobs decorating the place. Giving it unique new flair to each members accustomed tastes.

For Nekus room, it was Tye Dye combined with Modern themes. To symbolize Nekus time growing up in the nostalgic era, whilst enjoying the aesthetic of what once was. Tye dye curtains over his window, with a modern day blue color to the walls and a nice fuzzy multicolored carpet. On the walls, a few posters of games Neku played before. One poster showing a mysterious boy dressed in purple, with yellow wristbands around his wrists and orange hair, standing atop the Tokyo Tower. Also the very boy Neku established his new name after. Atop a dresser, was a Green Alien Lava Lamp, with a Boombox and a few old mixtapes of music from the 90's, with an old music player.

A few inches away from Nekus bed, which was decorated in Graffiti Print Bedsheets and Pillows, was three aligned Catbeds where his other two cats rested gently. A cute fuzzy black cat named Shadow, and a rather hefty white cat named Marshmallow. Waking up, Shadow meowed softly. Staring back up with her yellow eyes, and waving her tail slowly.

"...The shadow of the night has come to attack." Neku spoke mysteriously, as he looked into the cabinet below his sink. Pulling out some Wet Cat Food, he put a good amount of food into the three bowls. Marshmallow was the last to wake up, as he purred against Nekus leg.

"And here comes a very floofy chonky baby!" Neku said cutely, as he lifted the cat up. Who stared back with wide eyes and let out a soft meow. "...God, Im gonna miss the three of you once I leave. ...Oh god, wait. Someones gonna have to take good care of you guys! ...Ahh, im sure Senpai wouldnt mind. Hopefully."

Finishing up with getting ready, Neku rushed out his room and down to the Kitchen area of the train. Hearing some of the members bickering back and forth, they stopped as soon as they saw Neku.

"Oh, Neku-San!" One of the members called out, as Neku raised an eyebrow. "Thats- a nickname I was not expecting." Neku said. "But. Yes? You- needed me?"

"We heard about the letter, and were just- so happy for you!" Another member said, as her face began to show a frown. "Though, without you here..Who will teach us the way of Art, and expressing ourselves, Neku-Senpai?"

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