Chapter 13: Cracks

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Neku made his way to Madisons room, raising his hand and knocking. "Madison? You uhh-"

"Come on in." Madison said assertively, as Neku entered taking a look at the inside of Madisons room. Similar enough to Nekus room, but also plenty of details relating to Madison and her talent. Near the TV, a pair of doors that led to a balcony, with a therapists chair and a small desk chair beside it, with a small table that held a clipboard of sorts.

Madison was sitting in the small chair, jotting down notes of sorts as she looked up. "Ahh. Neku, please. Take a seat."

Neku made his way over, and laid down on the chair before him as Madison placed her clipboard down and sat professionally. "Now then, shall we discuss whats on your mind? How are you feeling this morning?"

"..Im-" Neku stuttered. "...Actually, I dont even know. Aside from my damn muscles are aching, I felt like something was crushing my chest last night.."

"I presume the motive last night got to you as well?" Madison asked, as Neku nodded.

"Quite frankly, its effected us all. A lot of us are unpleasantly remembering things we dont wish, and I believe you did too. Id like you to know however. Whatever is said between us, stays between us. As not only a therapist, but your friend as well." Madison reassured.

"Cut the fucking act." Neku snapped. "I know how you people work ykno-"

"Soullessly writing away on clipboards?" Madison asked, as Neku stared back in shock. "Your anger is completely justified and valid you know. I know how the stereotype tends to be where. Most assume we just write away and dont listen. Sadly...That is true for some of us."

Madison rubbed her temples, as she sat assertively and looked directly to Neku speaking very calmly. "Take your time, alright? You dont need to open up about everything at once. Find where you want to start, and take it one step at a time, ok?"

"..Ah- y-yeah. Ok..Sorry about that." Neku laid back down in shame, as Madison shook her head. "Nothing to be sorry for. Its ok to feel angry or doubtful in small amounts, and its good to express that so I know how to help you."

"...Shit, well- where do I even start? ...How many people have you talked with today by the way?" Neku asked, as Madison thought. "Nick and Ayumu, Evelyn, Ryu, Aaron, and...Toshiro. What we discussed however is confidential, much like what we discuss."

"Huh. Yknow, I respect that about you." Neku smiled slightly. "Being so kind as to keep it private about what was discussed instead of just- bringing it up to-"

"Its not always like that, in my field especially. In some cases, I do have to inform parents of their childrens misbehaviors or concerning things discussed. Some of which are. ...Quite heartbreaking, and even haunting." Madison said, wiping a tear from her eye. "However, here. All of you are my Acquaintances, or friends. Thus. I wish to help how I can."

"Well..Since I- think im ready." Neku sighed. "I uhm..I remembered. Meeting Senpai for the first time, all those years ago. As my..Best memory?"

"I see. This- senpai you mentioned. Was it the man in that video when we first arrived? That gang too? Who are they if I may ask?" Madison asked.

"They..Were my family." Neku said, suddenly feeling tears coming to his eyes.

"DAMMIT, why the fuck am I-" Neku asked angrily, wiping his face as Madison reassured. "Crying is natural, sweetheart. If you need to cry, dont hold it in. If youre grieving, its ok to do so. Here, tissue?"

Neku grabbed a tissue from Madison, and blew his nose. Tossing aside the tissue in a trash can, Neku took a deep breath. "Theyre not..Biological family, since. My family kicked me out. They ended up becoming second family."

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