Chapter 20: Advice

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Neku stepped into the Dining Hall, and sat down. "...Do I dare ask what happened here? Better yet, wheres Kai?"

"He had some business with Monodog." Dora explained. "Something about..pursuing him for answers."

"I dont get it personally, but." Ryu shrugged. "Eh, dudes prolly onto something. That said. ...Kinda rude what Toshiro said about my cooking."

"Haru, what actually happened? Be honest." Neku said directly, as Haru sighed. "Youll just tell me what everyone else does. I told you so. ..For just trying to help people, and keep morale alive in this situation."

Haru now looking off in doubt, Neku reached out for her. "...Look. I get it. You wanna help others here, and your efforts are great. However, you need to understand you cant-"

"I CANT HELP EVERYONE, I- I KNOW, OK?!" Harus voice cracked, with tears visible in her eyes. "I-I dont know why I do, or why I get so upset, I just do! Alright?!" She stormed out in tears, as Neku shouted for her. "HARU, WAIT!"

"Ryu, why is she acting like this?" Neku soon after asked, as Ryu hesitantly answered.

"....Safe to say some things kept going wrong while we were cooking. She- had a bit of a panic attack from things going completely wrong, and instead of shutting down. She kept pushing herself to extremes." Ryu clarified.

"Shit." Neku sighed. "So- is everyone else at least holding up well?"

"I hear colors!" Roxy said gleefully, as Neku stared blankly. "Aside from her. We all know shes probably still a tad loopy from the- yknow."

"As best as we humanly can in this situation." Dennis spoke up. "Heaven forbid, even if we built a fire. Found a Flare gun. Anything as a means of escape, that damn cats bound to cut all efforts of escape. Even the damn boats for these water activities are rigged apparently!"

"...I- can confirm they are." Ichigo spoke up. "I attempted to hack into the mainframe, but there was too many firewalls. Kenshiro can attest to that."

"It true! Friend Ichigo attempt to use Invention to override, but it backfired and left Monokitty leaving scary warning!" Kenshiro spoke panicked.

"So basically. Were fucked." Evelyn spoke directly. "No matter how we look at this situation. Were fucked."

"...By warning, what exactly did this warning entail? A punishment shes likely too lazy to commence personally?" Dennis asked raising an eyebrow, as Milo sighed.

"You seem to forget?" Milo gestured, as Dennis sighed. "Ahh yes. That incident. Albeit justifiable anger in that moment."

"N-Not to mention. What if something else happens?!" Ayumu asked worried. "Like say- the- the possibility of a Hurricane or- something else unpredictable that could kill us!"

"That- wont happen Sis. ...Are we even in Hurricane season anywho?" Nick asked confused.

"Who knows?" Aaron gestured. "Though, if it is. Maybe Mother Nature will blow me a hot babe or a smokin prince to-"

Evelyn then bonked Aaron on the head with a nearby breadstick. "Horny jail."

"Hmmmm? Why though? Cant a guy at least fantasize even a little?" Aaron teased, as Evelyn joked in response. "Ive had to send someone there multiple times, and god forbid you remind me of him all too much. ..Actually, combine my previous alcoholism with your personality and yeah. You got him."

"Oh? ...Is he cute? Scale of 1-10-" Aaron was interrupted with another smack to the head with the bread. "On a scale of 1-10, hes fuckin taken and married."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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