Chapter 16: Reconciling

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The Courtroom was all too silent. Everyone onlooking in fear at what they had just witnessed, as Monodog was seen becoming his original self again. Claws retracting, and his stance becoming far less menacing. Monodog looked around in confusion, looking at the participants. Eventually, looking up to the tv screen. As he froze, trying to form a scream yet. Nothing broke the peace and silence. However, all that peace was broken with a single slip from Ayumu.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed in horror, tears filling her eyes, with Nick following soon after.

"That- What the hell was that?!" Nick asked in fear, suddenly feeling himself gag. "Oh god, I think im gonna be sick-"

"That was- terrible." Haru spoke, trying to form the words in complete disgust, yet choked back through tears.

"That was completely horrific!" Ichigo exclaimed, shaking from the fear of everything. "I understand Roger did a horrible thing, but did he have to die and so brutally at that?!"

"...I mean, Ive seen movies where people getting sewn mouth to anus, amongst other nasty shock videos but.." Roxy said awkwardly. "...Even I can admit? Kinda screwed up."

"How can you remain so casual about that?!" Dennis asked baffled. "As much as even I can agree what Roger did was sinful, all of that was just..The example of Extra!"

Milo gave a simple sigh, and turned away. "Youd be disturbed especially by the shit you see on the Battlefield. This is a damn cakewalk."

"I heard Cake and im automatically in!" Aaron said enthusiastically, before he stopped. "..Then again, maybe nows not the best time for something like that."

Kenshiro sniffled. "Why..Why Roger have to die like that?! Why? M-Maybe..Kenshiro can make contact with Ghosts of Madison and Roger, and..Help them-"

That sentimental feeling was suddenly stopped by a laugh. A laugh from Toshiro.

A laugh that enraged Neku deep down, yet somehow he was able to hold himself back. The fear and stress of the situation being enough of a weight to both benefit him from making a mistake, and crush him emotionally to speaking up.

"You guys are so damn stupid. Believing in Ghosts, thinking youll stop murders via pep talks. Wake the fuck up. This is a game of survival of the fittest."

"Even so." Dora spoke bluntly. "That gives you no right to speak the ways you have. Laughing in the face of someones death like that- its..Its.."

"ITS CRUEL!" Haru screamed.

"Cruel, or just the harrowing reality that death happens everyday?" Toshiro asked snidely. "God, dont make me laugh."

"I dont think he would try on a demon child such as yourself." Dennis snidely remarked.

Pointing to Dora, Toshiro asked. "Especially you. Youre some treasure hunter, right? God forbid, if treasure was offered to you, you wouldnt think twice about taking a life, would you?"

"HEY!" Roxy shouted. "...I forgot what we were talkin about, but HEY! Doras a good person! ...I dont think she would ever kill someone for her own greed, let alone two lives potentially."

Roxy then looked to Dora, squinching up her face. "Seeee? Im too adorable!"

"...And thats exactly whats gonna get someone as meek as you killed." Toshiro laughed. "All of you are so self righteous- delusion-"

"UGHHH, SHUT UP ALREADY!" Evelyn shouted gritting teeth. "Everytime you open your damn mouth, all I wanna do is cut your fucking goblin tounge out and shove it up your asshole!"

"Quite unprofessional for someone in your field though, wouldnt you say?" Toshiro smirked. "Bet youre an absolute wonderful influence on children, when in truth. Youre a washed up midlife crisis. Oh wait. You are."

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