Chapter 4: Brain Blast!

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Neku and Haru followed their way to the sounds of the strange voice, taking in the sounds of seagulls and calm waves from the ocean. Neku, feeling rather tense however began to trudge carefully into the next location they had stumbled across. A brightly lit room with shelves and shelves of items. the stock ranging from FOOD, to COOKWARE, to TOOLS, TOYS, and to WEAPONS. Around there were little advertisements of companies and a magazine rack. There's a large mounted television behind the counter along with "over the counter" drugs and remotes that seem relatively useless in this situation. Boxes of "equipment", a safety alarm, and...

"And in that corner, things that adults use that we don't talk about." Neku said under his breath, with a tinge of fear in his voice.

"...You know, some of those look suspiciously familiar." Haru said, walking over before her eyes widened and she turned back around. "Eyup. Nope. Get me away from this section please."

"...It smells of sweat and shame. With a side of drugs. ...I have but so many concerns I dare not convey." Neku said, as Haru pointed out to him.

"Hey, why dont we get some food? Itd be wise to get something in our stomachs Id think." Haru said, as Neku looked on with concern.

"....THATS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF AFTER- ...yknow what, thats- not the craziest thing Ive seen today, so I'll let this slide. Besides, now that you mention it.." Neku said, feeling his stomach groan.

"LOOK OUT!" A nasly voice called out as Haru turned around, ducking instantly as she felt something fly right past her head. Neku nearly feeling his heart in his throat over the object that nearly killed him.

"...Ok, THATS the craziest thing Ive seen today officially." Neku said, pale in the face from the shock.

Taking a moment to calm back down, Neku noticed a peculiarly tall boy emerge from behind the shelves. Taking a good look, Neku took note of this boys features. Long curly and messy red/orange hair that's been tied into a downwards ponytail. Goggles that he put on his forehead. He had green eyes that had a small tinge of blue in them, accompanied by heavy eye bags and freckles. He looked to have oil smudged on on his face at the moment.

His outfit was a dirty lab coat over a greyish beige cardigan. There was a strange pair of glasses hooked into the collar of the coat. He wore a tool belt and had a pair of black rubber gloves on. In his pocket was multiple small pieces of scrap metal, wires, And a pocket knife. His pants were black with oil and color splashed on them. He wore black rubber boots which the design resembled a fire. One had red flames, one had blue.

"YEESH! I sure hope I didnt hurt you by any means, Miss!" The boy spoke to Haru, rushing over to help her up. Taking a cloth from his coat pocket, he wiped his face down to remove the oil.

"...Mind explaining what that was?!" Neku asked worriedly, as the boy adjusted his glasses. "Well- uhm..Lets just say, some of my calculations may have been just a bit off! Heh..Whoops."

"Massively off! I couldve died!" Neku spoke, still visibly pale in the face and unable to move. "Seems I need to find some better material in this store..Shame I dont have the technology usually provided to me." The boy said, as he walked over to Neku.

"Oh, almost forgot! If I may introduce myself, the names Ichigo Natsuki!" The boy said, as Neku raised an eyebrow. "You..have an Ultimate as well I presume?"

"Excelsior!" Ichigo exclaimed, before he went red in the face. "oh- Uhm. Pardon me, just- getting a bit too deep into my scientific side! Im the Ultimate Inventor!"

"Well, suppose that answers that." Neku said, as Haru stood. "Uhm..Mr- Ichigo was it? What were you trying to do in here?"

"Ahh! Well, allow me to explain!" Ichigo exclaimed excitedly, adjusting his glasses. "According to my calculations, and my very limited materials... This radio Im making may possibly be able to gain a connection to the outside world! I haven't tested it yet, but I'm holding onto a hope! ...of course, as with any scientific investigation, one can't succeed without trial and error."

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