Chapter 15: Breach in the System

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Finally reaching the top, the remaining sixteen people looked around at the trial room. Blown away by what they were seeing. The walls seemed digital to some degree, whilst the floors much like the center of the room were made of marble. In a big circle were 17 Podiums, with a portrait of Madison standing still. An X across her face, with the X resembling Cat Paws and her head having Cat Ears.

There was glass windows above the Digital based walls, revealing the outside and a beautiful bright sunny sky outside. Leaving Neku with the sense of dread they were in fact high off the ground. In the Back part of the room was a Throne of sorts where Monokitty sat and rising from the left and right sides of where the podiums stood. Bleachers of other corrupted Monodogs. Corrupted on right, while. On the Left? ...Monodogs regular look the group had come to know.

"Well now! Isnt this just a lovely how do you do?" Monokitty laughed. "Seems the Jurys all ready for punishing if someone dare oppose during this trial! That all said, be sure to find your Podiums and lets get this trial started!"

As soon as everyone gathered into their respected Podiums, Monokitty began. "Ahem. Now! Lets begin with an explaination of how the Class Trial will work! During the Trial, present your arguments of who you think the Killer was of your beloved friend Madison! Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished! If you pick wrong however, I punish everyone besides the Blackened! Said blackened afterwards will then be granted the opportunity to leave this island! Oh, and even better! I'll let your respected Hostage go!"

"So lemme start by asking." Aaron asked. "By- Punishment. Is there a safe word?"

"The safe word is fuck you." Monokitty groaned and stared in disappointment at Aaron.

"I- think I have a bit of a better question." Ayumu nervously asked. "W-Whys there a portrait of Madison just- sitting there?"

"Shes just standing there." Roxy said, looking closer as her eyes widened. "MENACINGLY!"

"Did- anyone else notice- ..Thats odd." Dora said. "The walls? They seem to change depending on whos talking. ...Seems Treasure appears when I do."

"Ooo! Ooo, lemme try!" Roxy exclaimed, as she looked behind her gasping. "SHELDONNNNNN!"

"Were getting Off Topic!" Roger demanded. "We need to come forth and discuss this disgusting crime, and figure out who amongst us was the one to take Ms Grace!"

"You dont gotta tell me twice." Milo sighed. "So, where do we begin then?"

"Why dont we start by discussing the body?" Haru suggested.

'...I have to listen carefully to everyones statements, and look for any contradictions.' Neku thought to himself, listening closely to everyones conversation.

Aaron: Madison was found in the Golf Storage- in one of the lockers. Right?

Haru: When I went to check on why Neku was screaming, there she was hanging out of the locker.

Kai: Granted what injuries were across her body..Combined with a few bruises from what look like an altercation-

Nick: Then she was beaten to death, and thats the cause of death!

Ayumu: Uhm..I dont- think thats right, Nick.

Nick: Hey, I was close at least!

Toshiro: Couldnt it be said she bled out from her injuries as the cause of death?

'....Something about what someone said didnt sound right. The bleeding out due to her wounds!'

With a shout, Neku stood tall. "NO, THATS WRONG!"

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