Chapter 10: Sand Angels

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"GAHHHHH!" Neku shouted in fright, sending a quick karate chop to the person behind him before stopping inches from their neck.

"Jeez, remind me not to scare you again! Be it in the bed or just in general." Aaron smirked, laughing to himself.

"What the hell are you doing, man?! You nearly scared me to death!" Neku shouted in anger.

"Well, I saw a little fun goin on over here and I figured. Couldnt I also use some fun today?" Aaron smirked. "And. And no, not the kind of fun that dirty little minds probably thinkin."

"...I- wasnt?" Neku raised an eyebrow as Ichigo was seen nervously sweating.

"Friend Ichigo, are you- burning up under there?!" Kenshiro asked worriedly. "Kenshiro get water to cool down Ichigo!"

"N-NO PLEASE DONT!" Ichigo exclaimed. "N-Notice the Sand by the water, Kenshiro? When Water touches Sand, it makes the Sand become hard. B-By Scientific Terms, Surface Tension is possible, but also the weight of the water and Sand could be enough to crush my ribs! ...Plus- I- dont think I want people seeing my chest."

"But- Kenshiro like friend Ichigos chest!" Kenshiro said excitedly and naively, leaving Ichigo gasping for air from hyperventilation and his face turning a bright red, with Aaron smirking. "Then do I got a fun little idea for the two lovebirds here!"

"D-Do you have to go that far?!" Ichigo asked again, seemingly more nervous than ever as Aaron giggled. "Im teasssing. I apologize if Ive made you uncomfortable with my playfulness. Gotta cope somehow in this fucked up situation."

"Im- pretty sure teasing others like that isnt one." Neku groaned.

"And thats why its always important to apologize and start again!" Aaron said gleefully. "Hi, Aarons the name and Im the Ultimate Match-"

"Ultimate Cupid. Yes. We get that." Neku sighed. Aaron stared back at the science nerds, as he remarked. "So hows about we meld Ichigo into something super pretty while hes in the sand? Could take our minds off all the chaos."

"Something pretty?" Kenshiro asked, as he got an idea. "Oh! Kenshiro make Ichigo into pretty magical girl from Anime!"

"...OH JESUS EVERLOVING CHRIST!" Ichigo shouted, as his face drained of color. "I- uhm..If I may have a- SAY on the subject! Maybe something- scientific?"

"...Arent Mermaids technically Scientific?" Aaron asked curiously, as Ichigo shook. "Those are fictional creatures! However, hypothetically if they are.. I long imagine the day I could study one and figure out the Anatomy amongst other biological features!"

"....Welllllll, why not test that on Kenshiro?" Aaron smirked, as Neku got a chuckle out of that comment.

"But- Kenshiro not beautiful mermaid." Kenshiro said sadly. "But! Friend Ichigo could help Kenshiro study ghosts more! Ghosts real, and have lots of interesting aspects!"

"Ooooo, we could make Ichigo into a spooky little ghost!" Aaron teased.

"Hmm- well- actually that could be rather cute!" Ichigo enthusiastically said.

Neku shrugged. "Im- not exactly the best at sculpting Sand Figures n all, but. Maybe I keep an eye on the tide?"

Neku turned to the ocean, taking in the ocean aroma and the look of the sun beginning to set. The crisp warm tropical air breezing by gently, and the sounds of the calm waves splashing onto the shore.

Hearing in the background the sounds of the three bantering, and some sounds of a very flustered Ichigo. Neku decided to listen in on the conversation.

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