Chapter 12: Bonding

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As the group of guys headed to the Golf Course, Neku began thinking to himself. '...God. The more im thinkin about it? How did we get here? Why more importantly ARE we here? Whos- behind this-"

Suddenly, a loud buzzing in each of the mens pockets as some of them reached into their pockets to grab their tablets. Noticing the Achievements app had sent a notification. Opening the App, a display of Monokitty in a golfing outfit appeared. Hitting a golf club, as the list of Achievements came up.

"....Score a hole in goddamn one?!" Nick asked in shock.

"Consider that a challenge." Ryu confidently smirked.

"You think you could handle it though?" Aaron shrugged. "I think its enough of a challenge watching you try and fail at flirting with the girls here."

"HEY!" Ryu shouted in distress. "I'll have you know im a Grade A Chick Magnet!"

"Like how you were with Evelyn when Haru and I first met you?" Neku asked.

"Cmonn, Milo back me up! I was a total winner back there yeah?" Ryu asked as Milo looked on disappointedly. "Thats- not really my place to say."

"This is Ryu Ikeda slander! I deem this illegal and all of you under arrest!" Ryu joked.

"Thats not how that works. Thats- not how ANY of that works." Neku said.

"It does in the Laws of Baconry!" Ryu said, as Roger stared in confusion. "Mr Ikeda, as a man working with the law, you should know such a thing doesnt-"

"...Its something my goddaughter once came up with, dont worry about it." Ryu nervously chuckled.

"Ahh, Then- I apologize for misunderstanding." Roger said. "That said. We require spectators and participants for this sport! I demand others step forward with their roles!"

"....I mean-" Milo shrugged. "Havent played in a hot minute, but. Guess I could go a few rounds."

"Count me in!" Ryu said confidently.

"...Perhaps I could be the spectator that keeps control of those getting rather. ANGRY." Kai said, eyeing down Roger.

"M-Mr Inoa, are you doubting my ability to stay patient?!" Roger asked flustered.

"No, just. An observation, Roger." Kai winked. "Plus, I just want to ensure theres no conflict that could fuel the potential of murder."

"A-AHH! Yes, well-" Roger cleared his throat. "Ever so diligent, even as a mentor!"

"Oh?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Am I sensing something secret between the two of you?"

"MR FINLEY!" Roger shouted.

"Justtt fuckin around!" Aaron teased.

"If there is a god, please save me from these idiots.." Toshiro groaned.

"If even God cannot rescue me from this situation, dont get your hopes up child." Dennis groaned. "That said..Its you young ones say, a hot minute since Ive played a good round."

"...That is the most how do you do fellow kids thing Ive ever heard." Nick muttered.

Looking back, Neku noticed that Kenshiro was waiting. Patiently at that for Ichigo, as Ichigo came running. Panting for air, he grabbed onto Kenshiros shoulder.

"Kenshiro- I..Oh gosh, I havent ran that much ever..Except..Maybewhenlatetomyfifthgradesciencefair.." Ichigo muttered with what breath he had remaining.

"Kenshiro help Ichigo!" Kenshiro said, as he knelt down in front of Ichigo. "Friend Ichigo hop on Kenshiros back! So legs dont hurt anymore, and Ichigo can regain composure!"

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